

br333 #Nintendo Talk

General Nintendo

Can someone help me get a celebi on pokemon heart gold? There isn't a way to get one... T_T Well, apparently there was a pokemon event but thats long gone and now you can't get one without an action replay. Sooooooooooooooo, can anyone help me please? I would appreciate it bunches! :D Edit: Also, if you have a celebi and dont want to give it up, but will trade it and then let me trade it back, that would work too. I wouldn't keep it but then be able to see them in the global trading system. Apparently you have to have them on your pokedex to search the pokemon. I know it would be kinda risky, but I would really give it right back. @_@

General Nintendo

Can someone help me get a celebi on pokemon heart gold? There isn't a way to get one... T_T Well, apparently there was a pokemon event but thats long gone and now you can't get one without an action replay. Sooooooooooooooo, can anyone help me please? I would appreciate it bunches! :D Edit: Also, if you have a celebi and dont want to give it up, but will trade it and then let me trade it back, that would work too. I wouldn't keep it but then be able to see them in the global trading system. Apparently you have to have them on your pokedex to search the pokemon. I know it would be kinda risky, but I would really give it right back. @_@