

Make me feel like worthless garbage

Seriously. This isn't a joke or troll or anything.
I constantly think that when people praise me that it has some kind of hidden double meaning to it. If someone tells me I'm a good artist I immediately think they're just trying to make me feel good about myself. Same with any kind of compliments on my intelligence.
Being told I'm good at things also makes me lose motivation to improve. If I'm already as good as all these people say, why do I need to try?
I'm at a point right now where I just can't even be bothered to draw because I feel so unmotivated.
Some people might say 'let us see your drawings' so you can properly criticize them, but unfortunately I don't have any recent ones uploaded anywhere.

You don't even have to take this seriously, just throw your best insult at me. It would also help to link to someone who's actually good at whatever you're saying I'm not good at.

April 27, 2015

13 Comments • Newest first


i cant frickin make you feel like trash if i dont know how badly you draw
give me some of your pictures and i'll make you feel like trash

Reply April 28, 2015

time to take out the trash

Reply April 28, 2015

Not trying to insult you, but you must have really low self-esteem dude. I would get counseling.

Reply April 28, 2015

The drive you get shouldn't be purely based on the feedback you get. It's a great strategy to do what people have mentioned and look at your old artwork and strive to improve. However, I personally feel there should always be a goal to aim for. Artists should have a muse, a source of inspiration to tap into their creativity. There should be something to aim for as an inspiration. This might be based in the technical aspect of art or just some general emotion you want to evoke from your own work. You don't need people to call you pathetic, improve on your own terms. Get inspiration from other artists and their work. Maybe one of those will lead you down a path you want to explore.

Reply April 28, 2015

I feel the same sometimes. I've never really had anyone put down or tell me that I couldn't do it and I've always felt a need for that discouragement that pushes others at times. @Omegathorion speaks the truth though. You just have to be truly humble about it and keep at it, do some self reflection every now and then, and in two years you'll look back and see all the things you learned along the way and so on and so forth.

Reply April 28, 2015

You're tacky and I hate you.

Reply April 28, 2015

"I constantly think that when people praise me that it has some kind of hidden double meaning to it. If someone tells me I'm a good artist I immediately think they're just trying to make me feel good about myself."
well. that is literally what a compliment is. Thats what compliments are meant to do.
"Being told I'm good at things also makes me lose motivation to improve. If I'm already as good as all these people say, why do I need to try?"
they're saying you're good, not that you're god. You should improve because there will always be people better than you.
Don't want to draw? Then don't. Its not your job.

Reply April 28, 2015

[quote=Omegathorion]Here's what always makes me feel like worthless garbage as an artist, every single time:

Look at your art from two years ago. It's pretty horrible, right? Obviously, you can do much better now. You know a lot of new techniques and styles and you can be pretty confident that what you make looks good.

Two years later, you are going to look at the art you can make now, and think it's horrible. You're going to be so much better in two years that you'll struggle to even look at the art that you were so proud of making in your current state today.

Four years later? Same thing. Six? Eight? The cycle just keeps on going. Artists are never satisfied. They are never proud of their work. It's our eternal stigma. We all struggle with doing contract work, because we might finish the contract with something that we think looks good, but then two years later we're gonna go back to our contractor, begging them to let us redo the assignment because we can't stand having our bad-looking art on display.

My university is making a senior project poster with characters from every group's project on it, and I drew a character, but I couldn't do it. I jumped through hoops to request that the department head use someone else's art instead of mine. There's no way I could stand knowing that my art is there on a poster that people are going to see years from now, when I could make something that looks so much better.

[url=]Here's the art that was gonna be put on the poster.[/url] Right now, I still think it looks kind of nice. But a few years down the road, I'll look at them and say "... oh my god how could I ever have been proud of this."

And the same thing is gonna happen to you.[/quote]

I really like the style of your character. But you're right.
I guess in a way you can also switch this around and say that artists constantly improve to the point that they make their own art look bad.
I guess it's a double edged sword...

Reply April 28, 2015

Here's what always makes me feel like worthless garbage as an artist, every single time:

Look at your art from two years ago. It's pretty horrible, right? Obviously, you can do much better now. You know a lot of new techniques and styles and you can be pretty confident that what you make looks good.

Two years later, you are going to look at the art you can make now, and think it's horrible. You're going to be so much better in two years that you'll struggle to even look at the art that you were so proud of making in your current state today.

Four years later? Same thing. Six? Eight? The cycle just keeps on going. Artists are never satisfied. They are never proud of their work. It's our eternal stigma. We all struggle with doing contract work, because we might finish the contract with something that we think looks good, but then two years later we're gonna go back to our contractor, begging them to let us redo the assignment because we can't stand having our bad-looking art on display.

My university is making a senior project poster with characters from every group's project on it, and I drew a character, but I couldn't do it. I jumped through hoops to request that the department head use someone else's art instead of mine. There's no way I could stand knowing that my art is there on a poster that people are going to see years from now, when I could make something that looks so much better.

[url=]Here's the art that was gonna be put on the poster.[/url] Right now, I still think it looks kind of nice. But a few years down the road, I'll look at them and say "... oh my god how could I ever have been proud of this."

And the same thing is gonna happen to you.

Reply April 28, 2015

Let me get to know you for a good couple months, open up to me, and let me use everything I know against you.

I'm pretty good at doing that, I'm more of a 'sniper' person, I only say things that I know will hurt you.

Reply April 28, 2015

[quote=SirKibbleX2]Maybe they can't see your art the way you do and since you've been drawing for awhile you can better critique your own drawings than they can (if they never drawn in their life) and so they won't notice errors that you may find.
Is it because you are afraid to be arrogant? I get that feeling a lot so I put myself down.

It's a tough feeling but really in the case of drawing just tell yourself it's decent (or bad).. but not good enough, not for you anyways, you believe that already.[/quote]

I am afraid to be arrogant. I think that actually hinders whatever skill I do have though. I'm trying to find a balance but that's hard when I keep getting compliments and then have to 'even it out' in my own head by putting myself down.

Reply April 28, 2015

Can I buy you a drank and maybe hit my place later?

Reply April 27, 2015