

Main DrK or not

I know the nerf that is coming isn't as bad as it sound; Though I'm still wondering if I will really want to main it.

I pretty much enjoy bossing and to learn that our main skill will somewhat abit more on cooldown (By around 50%) makes it seem kind of a drag to me.

I do around 11M per line of gungir descent but with the Dark Impale there is less lines and does less damage too... I'm considering going to Demon Slayer... on changing into paladin or hero. Not sure anymore...


October 31, 2014

7 Comments • Newest first


For a DRK, if you do not have the buff duration %s, you would have to wait a whole 40 seconds after using only some 30 seconds of gungnir descent. An advise from a former DK (thats me) that hits 25~30mil per line on GD and hits only like 15mil per line on Dark Impale, I would say that you would lose about 30~40% damage, but if the cross surge nerf is included, you would hit about 50~60% of what you did before DPS wise. (this is all assumption, but I'm dumb so don't truly believe me.)

For me, I transfered my gear to my Zero. Lost about 500k range and I only hit about 10mil now, but I like the class anyway and its fun

Also, if you are considering going to a Hero, remember that they are quite squishier than DrK. They don't have revive skill, nor do they have any invincibility skills (I think).

Reply November 2, 2014 - edited

[quote=oregonman94]DEMON SLAYER. check out my post on that thread what class to play, you should give ds a try, i do way more dmg then i did on my phantom or my dk which both had higher funds and higher lvl[/quote]

Demon Slayer's are excellent mobbers, but I do more damage on my level 106 Demon Avenger than my level 120 Demon Slayer with the same amount of funds. Both classes are fun, but deciding which one to fund is a hard decision.

Reply November 2, 2014 - edited

As a newly created demon slayer,(i am also funded) this nerf is not as bad considering that pallys will get nerfed down to the ground. Sure, the warrior nerf will be bad, but demon slayers are still great nonetheless.

Reply November 2, 2014 - edited

[quote=oregonman94]DEMON SLAYER. check out my post on that thread what class to play, you should give ds a try, i do way more dmg then i did on my phantom or my dk which both had higher funds and higher lvl[/quote]

There is one problem with Demon Slayers. When you get to late game everyone has a general idea that it's harder to fund a Demon Slayer. They are held back late game when are trying to achieve max range, at which point a majority of all the other warriors are capable of doing so easily. Not to mention they don't benefit as much from Boss damage like other classes as their main skill has an innate 30% boss damage. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe a funded DS could give his input on the issue.

Don't get me wrong though, they are an excellent class. They prosper early on too in respect to other classes. They have an amazing kit.

Reply October 31, 2014 - edited

If you think that reducing the overall damage on bossing is going to get rid of the 'fun' aspect of the game FOR YOU then by all means switch. I wouldn't suggest pallys because as mentioned they will do lower dmg, about 50% less on major bosses but they will still be as close as invincible gets when it comes to maple classes. I haven't played revamped hero but I hear it's quite good, late bloomer doing major dmg near lvl 200 after getting hypers and stuff..but yea haven't played that. Andddd Ds is attractive, as well as kaiser if i may suggest. Both require a decent amount of funding to hit cap but still does great dmg nevertheless.

Imo drk nerf is not the end of the world, your 11 mill lines will drop to 10 mill (10% dmg reduction from surge) and if you manage to get your hands on one buff duration line, a mercedes and mech S card or better SS card, as well as maxed empathy, it shouldn't be too much of an issue. With the new inner ability locking system its possible you can get a second buff line and better medal of honors are coming (from bosses) afair making it easier to pot lock and reset.

Reply October 31, 2014 - edited

Paladins are getting even worse nerf so I wouldn't suggest switching to them.

Reply October 31, 2014 - edited

What nerf

Reply October 31, 2014 - edited