

brayden2k9 #Chat Talk

General Chat

Times like these make me ashamed to be human. So in my city, a guy BEAT his dog to death with a metal baseball bat. All because it nipped his daughter. How effing ridiculous is that? I personally think the guy should die. I hope he gets ripped apart in prison. There were over ten 9-1-1 calls. There were WITNESSES, and it was so bad, that there's victim grief support or whatever going on. Another horrible thing, is that the daughter picked up the dog, now bloody and destroyed, and said, "I love you, Teddy." It honestly makes me feel like I'm gunna be sick. Ashamed to be a human...

General Chat

I love my job. I work at Tim Horton's, and today, I got trained for cold stone, a new part of the renovated store. We sell ice cream, shakes, smoothies. Anyway, today, I just spent three hours making shakes and smoothies. In total, I got to have 3 shakes, and 2 smoothies. I even got paid for it? Then when I actually work, during my breaks, I can have all the donuts I want, and any sammich I want. SO like, BLT, etc. MMM. WHAT'S YOUR JOB, AND WHY DO YOU LURRRV IT? OR WHY DO YOU HATE IT?

General Chat

People say Im Charlie So, a few people have told me I'm Charlie from The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, without knowing the other has said it. It's kinda a crazy coincidence and idk why people say so. And in the event that I tell someone people say so, the respons is generally, "Oh my god! You ARE Charlie!" I haven't read the book or seen the movie. What does this mean? Like I get that it must mean I'm a wallflower, but is this bad? I'm starting to get scared haha.

General Chat

What do you think of this plot for my fan-fic HP Okay, so, you can probably guess what it is/will be. IF you don't mind, would you ever so kindly tell me how it is? NOTE: I don't take my writing seriously when using PC's. I much prefer lap tops, because I can actually focus, and it feels much more comfortable. Alas, writing done on my PC is complete crap. Anyway... Rowan awoke in the morning still dazed. Not from the spell, but from the whole incident. He was still shocked that Ennis had the nerve to attack him in the common room, a completely unsupervised duel. If he wanted to hurt Rowan, or anything of the sort, he could have proclaimed a rematch; a supervised one. It would have been less risky. But Ennis, being the hothead he is, couldn'

General Chat

Let me tell you a story One day, I was walking down the street. It was nice. You know. Calm. Soothing. I was just walking off some steam. Or however the saying goes. Anyway, as I was doing so, I see Mr. White, my dramatic arts teacher, course code ADA 1O3. Or something. Ya dig? Anyway, he says to me... "Yo, B-diddy, it's W-diddy or D-fizzyy. Got a problem-izzy?" At this point in time, I'm scared pooless. I'm like, "Esse, whatchu sayin' to me, Paco?" he say dis 2 me "YOU'RE SICK" and i say "is that good?" it was good end of story. Best regards, Heir to the throne of Czech, Sexy animal lover, Bestiality performer, Sherylo.

General Chat

I have to present a monologue this week and At school, I'm enrolled in grade eleven drama/dramatic arts. A big part of our final mark comes from the performances we'll be doing throughout this week monologues. As I enjoy writing, and it's really all I have going for me, I decided I'd use this as a chance to perform spoken word poetry for my first ever time. I wrote my monologue today (they start tomorrow, I''ll be doing mine on Wednesday) in the form of a poem so that I can do this. However, I'd like some feedback before speaking it in front of my class. What do you Basilers think of this poem? Obviously you won't hear me speak it so you won't get that emotional aspect, but the text/written part ought to suffice, right? If you'd like to rea

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