brewskie425 #Windarcher Talk

General Windarcher

Wind archer or my Jett With the last few days of tempest shop here, I have 7 pieces of the tempest gear minus the weapon. In total I only have about 10% DEX on those items. However I have 63 coins and now I'm debating if I should get the bow, or the guns. I enjoy playing my wind archer and jett is fun too imo. But which would be more fun to play in the end? With the update for cygnus knights coming later, my WA would be able to make use of the gear. I'm considering Jett because my friend said he would give me the 6% DEX tempest gun he was going to sell. Since Jett is GMS exclusive, I'm not sure if they'll be updated any time soon, if ever. I don't know. It's a weird dilemma.