

Fafnir v.s Sweet-Water

I was just wondering why Sweet-Water gear is so much cheaper compared to Fafnir, yet the stats from Sweet-Water exceed the Fafnir besides the slot count and possible the Set bonuses?

June 27, 2014

7 Comments • Newest first


SW set will cost a lot more than fanfir set. Only the weapon worth less, but anyways there is a lot of pieces for SW. Fanfir can work with tyrant and gollux items and is PSOKable, while SW dont (Cant be sold again if you equip them)

Reply June 27, 2014

I though sweet water was more expensive than fafnir, now lets talk about why sweet water is so expensive, drop rate is low, cause NEXON >.< >.<... the only sweet water worth getting is the dual blade secondary katara?, sweet water set is like a million equips, and most of the equips are hard to get and have low stats, making people not like them, fafnir + tyrants + gollux > sweet water, and yes sweet water is censored, nexon >.< >.<

Reply June 27, 2014

SW costs more since CRA is more easily farmable then SW. The only cheap part of SW
is the weapon usually. CRA is easier to get and ultimately cheaper while also like cherry mentioned
tradable. Mostly this is because not many people still do commerci party since it's a hassle but
definitely worth it in the end. Pretty much go with CRA unless your a NL....

Reply June 27, 2014

what? o.o sw costs more than fafnir. and there are more pieces (aside from weapon prices) ((wep prices doesnt make up for it though, it's still many many bill more for sw))

Reply June 27, 2014

[quote=CherryTigers]Tradability. Fafnir is tradable as long as you have a psok. Retains its value.

SW is 100% untradable after worn. Automatically loses all resale value and is worthless unless you specifically advertise selling your whole account and mention that you have a SW weapon.

Also, SW's set effect pales in comparison to Fanir.
1. Fafnir is compatible to tyrant and gollux.
2. Fafnir has a top/bottom. SW has only an overall. That automatically makes it lose MASSIVE potential in damage increase.

Everything written here points to SW being worth much less.[/quote]

Everything he said is right except for the SW katara for Dual blades. Best in slot for a DB. IMO

Reply June 27, 2014

I think you got it backwards, sweet water armor is expensive and root abyss armor is cheap, you are right about the weapons though. Simply put, with the root abyss set you are able to use tyrant cape and shoes along with a top&bottom and dojo gloves.

Reply June 27, 2014 - edited

Tradability. Fafnir is tradable as long as you have a psok. Retains its value.

SW is 100% untradable after worn. Automatically loses all resale value and is worthless unless you specifically advertise selling your whole account and mention that you have a SW weapon.

Also, SW's set effect pales in comparison to Fanir.
1. Fafnir is compatible to tyrant and gollux.
2. Fafnir has a top/bottom. SW has only an overall. That automatically makes it lose MASSIVE potential in damage increase.

Everything written here points to SW being worth much less.

Reply June 27, 2014 - edited