

I want to start working out

So i'm a skinny 14 year old boy, and i realized that i really need to bulk up.
I'm 5'8", and around 120 pounds. What kind of exercise would help me the most, and how much of it should i do? (sets, reps, breaks)
I have a pull-up bar and a few weights at home. (5 and 8 pounds)
Thanks ^^

August 25, 2013

61 Comments • Newest first


Who says that when bulking you don't eat junk food? For ectomorphs that is one of the easiest and effective ways to bulk.

And what is it to you if people judge others by how they look? First impressions last.[/quote]

junk food is appropriate for maintenance, not just bulking. in bulking it would simply be in excess. these "cheat meals" are stupid. just eat them in moderation. jesus people.

Reply August 27, 2013

@TrueAtheist: I don't mean "perfect top notch" form, it's just that I don't want people to injure themselves, you know what I mean?

Reply August 27, 2013

[quote=Eruditez]Yeah, that is true. You must have perfect form if you want to get anywhere. Especially if you're not hitting parallel with squats and your stance is horrible for deadlifts.[/quote]

"Light weight with perfect form won't get those girls to your college dorm" - Chris Jones

lol but in all seriousness I would take mediocre form with heavy weight and high intensity over light weight with perfect form any day.

People make gains all the time even from not using 'perfect form', and quite frankly the guys I see at the gym who obsess over form are the smaller guys at the gym. Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not saying form isn't important, but having perfect form alone doesn't get you anywhere, pushing your limits, increasing weight, and intensity to failure gets you places.

@WinterWish You realize that lifting weights doesn't prevent your body from developing right..?

@Expectations You started at 16, he wants to start at 14, that's not much of a difference dude.

@ErvTheMan You don't gain muscle mass from an all-protein diet, the diet you recommended is for someone looking to lose weight, you completely left out the most important part of bulking, carbs.

@Wordolio It sounds like you're just jealous of people who work out.. Believe it or not some people in this world actually care about their appearance! Do you just sit around in 5 month old clothes? Do you shower? Do you brush your teeth? You act like you don't care about yourself at all and that's kind of gross. Good luck ever getting a job or a girlfriend with that attitude.

Reply August 27, 2013 - edited

Check out my guide linked in the first post, cant be bothered reading all the posts in this thread so PM me if you have any questions.

Reply August 27, 2013 - edited

Who says that when bulking you don't eat junk food? For ectomorphs that is one of the easiest and effective ways to bulk.

And what is it to you if people judge others by how they look? First impressions last.

Reply August 27, 2013 - edited

[quote=Ecliptic]Are you serious?

Eating a proper balanced diet to bulk is a sign of an eating disorder? I don't follow.

And what is the problem with doing it for looks? Why is it bad to workout to look better?[/quote]

a PROPER and WELL BALANCED diet also includes eating fast foods and what you people consider "junk foods"

bet you didn't know that did you.

you probably assume a well balanced diet is all low fat and low calorie and veggies and organic, which is a very common misconception.

of course, now that i called you on it you will deny it.
edit: the problem with people who do it for looks, well they're obviously shallow people. if they are that self conscious of how others view them, then they clearly do the same to other people.

Reply August 27, 2013 - edited

[quote=Wordolio]it's not that being fit is frowned upon. it's that doing it for looks or obesessing over it are early signs of an eating disorder.


well said.

dieting counts too though.[/quote]
Are you serious?

Eating a proper balanced diet to bulk is a sign of an eating disorder? I don't follow.

And what is the problem with doing it for looks? Why is it bad to workout to look better?

Reply August 26, 2013 - edited

[quote=Ecliptic]Wanting to look aesthetic or to get in better shape is some how shallow and desperate? Why is being fit looked down upon by society now? you react like this to this[/quote]

it's not that being fit is frowned upon. it's that doing it for looks or obesessing over it are early signs of an eating disorder.


well said.

dieting counts too though.

Reply August 26, 2013 - edited

Why are all these little kids wanting to bulk? I started working out to lose weight then bulk up when I was 16. SMH.

Reply August 26, 2013 - edited

Being that young, and wanting to bulk. Interesting. Id personally say do what you can at gym, while maintaining a high protein diet. Invest into some Isolate Whey protein. Eat a lot of egg whites for breakfast, and as much chicken and red meat as you can. Don't just eat whatever you want, you may be trying to gain weight, but you don't wanna get fat. Junk food is still really bad for you, and will make you sluggish, and tired.

Reply August 26, 2013 - edited

In this thread: "don't work out it will stunt your growth" as stated by a myriad of people who have never seen the inside of a gym

Reply August 26, 2013 - edited

omg after reading the comments in this thread.....
wtf are these females/non-active people thinking

Reply August 26, 2013 - edited

You're still too young. At 14, your body still needs to develop a bit more.

Reply August 26, 2013 - edited

@theHAROrider: Yeah, that is true. You must have perfect form if you want to get anywhere. Especially if you're not hitting parallel with squats and your stance is horrible for deadlifts.

Reply August 26, 2013 - edited


Start work out at like 17-19 , right now if you start working out you might have gaining heigh issues.

I think I was 5'10 at 14, then right now im 19 6'2, so yeah dont work out, wait until ur like 17.

You should eat more since ur too skinny like 120 LB....[/quote]

Working out doesn't stunt your growth.

Reply August 26, 2013 - edited

@TrueAtheist: [url=]blah blbl abhalblbbla hblah![/url]

Reply August 26, 2013 - edited


Start work out at like 17-19 , right now if you start working out you might have gaining heigh issues.

I think I was 5'10 at 14, then right now im 19 6'2, so yeah dont work out, wait until ur like 17.

You should eat more since ur too skinny like 120 LB....

Reply August 26, 2013 - edited

[quote=natalie] @TrueAtheist: which means he can play sports. who says you can only bulk up from lifting weights bro? but then again i may be biased because i played sports and did yoga back in high school more than i went to the gym, and when i did go to the gym the bulky guys would always gross me out so bad. athletic bodies pls[/quote]

What sport exactly? Because you're going to gain zero muscle playing most of the popular team sports. Athletes lift weights and do other resistance training to get their physiques, you don't build muscle from playing sports. If all you did was play sports you'd actually lose muscle since sport is just intense cardio.

Reply August 26, 2013 - edited

Hey, nice! Someone wants to reap the endless benefits of fitness! Awesome, sure hope no unaesthetic, low life, non-lifters or active female posters with literally no insight on any post they've ever made beats me to helping this guy out!

[quote=brub]Alright i'll just hold off on weights for now, i'll stick to pushups and pullups i guess.
Thanks to everyone who gave me advice, really appreciate it (:[/quote]

[url=]And it's too late.[/url]

Reply August 26, 2013 - edited

5'8"? That's pretty tall for a 14 year old.

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

If you want muscle mass do high weight low reps. For toneing high reps low weight. Its suggested to gain mass before tone. Since mass is harder to gain if your already tone.

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

[quote=BigRedMeat]if we works on his cardio a good looking body can get him 1mile ahead under 8mins[/quote]
if your mile time is over 8 mins i don't even have anything to say to you

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

[quote=basedgodx][url=]you mean an athletic body like this right?[/url]

Because you can't get this way without weight lifting.[/quote]

um no that's gross

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

@DrPebble: do we have a drpebble dictionary now or something, redefining words

@TrueAtheist: which means he can play sports. who says you can only bulk up from lifting weights bro? but then again i may be biased because i played sports and did yoga back in high school more than i went to the gym, and when i did go to the gym the bulky guys would always gross me out so bad. athletic bodies pls

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

[quote=natalie]@TrueAtheist: umm, he said these things on the first page[/quote]

All he's saying there is that he doesn't want a gym membership.

If he wants to "bulk up" he has to eat more and tear muscle fibers, if he's not willing to do that then he doesn't really want to bulk up and is probably confused as to what his own goals are.

@metaghost4 Lifting weights does not stunt growth.

@RangerAko 14 is entering high school and many high schools have powerfit and weight training programs, it's the perfect time to start lifting I don't know why you're discouraging him.

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

@TrueAtheist: umm, he said these things on the first page

[quote=brub]I don't really want to get THAT serious yet, im just looking to gain a little muscles and get a little bigger. I'm not trying to work out to impress people, im really skinny for my age and i just want to change that.[/quote]

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

[quote=natalie]@TrueAtheist: yeah i know. why would anyone recommend him to lose weight when he's obviously so skinny already? just eating more and working out a bit will help him look a bit bigger. he never said anything about wanting to look like a big muscle guy but suddenly heaps of people start busting out weightlifting advice. i have no problem with bodylifting and light weights but op even said so himself that he doesn't want to get into that hardcore weight training thing yet[/quote]

His exact words are "I really need to bulk up"

Which directly implies two things, 1) Eating at a caloric surplus and 2) Resistance training

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

@TrueAtheist: yeah i know. why would anyone recommend him to lose weight when he's obviously so skinny already? just eating more and working out a bit will help him look a bit bigger. he never said anything about wanting to look like a big muscle guy but suddenly heaps of people start busting out weightlifting advice. i have no problem with bodylifting and light weights but op even said so himself that he doesn't want to get into that hardcore weight training thing yet

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

You're not going to be able to bulk up with 5 lb and 8 lb weights, you either need to invest in heavier weights or get a gym membership if you want to see noticeable gains.

@SasukeIIV There's nothing wrong with starting at 14, if he starts now he gets a 2 year head-start than if he were to start at 16.

@natalie He said he wants to bulk up, not lose weight. Cardio is the last thing he should be doing. And there's really no reason to wait until 18, when you turn 18 it's not some magic number where all of a sudden your body tells you it's ready to start lifting weights, you can technically start as soon as your body starts pumping out testosterone which is typically 13-14.

@djhfreak He said he wants to bulk up because he's skinny.. he said nothing about wanting to lose fat.

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

@BoredAF: meh he already said that he won't be going into it after all so yay

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

At 14 you can just wack it a lot and alternate hands
Or if you dont want to go that route just do bodyweight exercises
Ex: Pull ups, Chinups, pushups, squats etc

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

You're fourteen. Why do you lift. Play basketball, football, or some random sport you're good at. I bet you can't even lift.

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

[quote=brub]Alright i'll just hold off on weights for now, i'll stick to pushups and pullups i guess.
Thanks to everyone who gave me advice, really appreciate it (:[/quote]

good for you. you even said on the first page that you're not wanting to get serious on it and you just want to look a little bigger. some people don't read and just assume that you want to look like a big beefy guy then start telling people who give different advice to shut up when they're the ones who are illiterate

@BoredAF: why is everyone quoting me when i'm not even the first person who implied it? besides, half of you didn't even read what he said about not trying to get serious yet. he just doesn't want to look so skinny, that's it; not "become a beast" or "stronger than everyone that he knows". why don't people read what op's saying?

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

Alright i'll just hold off on weights for now, i'll stick to pushups and pullups i guess.
Thanks to everyone who gave me advice, really appreciate it (:

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

just do your casual PE class should be enough.
Thats what I do, im 14 also.
I'm pretty fit for my age, worry about what you eat and the amount you eat.

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

@DrPebble: when did i say 3 months? and unless op says that he wants to look like the guy in your picture he should just stick to sports and cardio and not do hardcore lifting for now cause not every pre-teen boy out there wants to look like that. in fact even guys who start working out in their late 20s are able to look like the guy in your picture. op probably just doesn't want to look as skinny as he does right now. no need to rush him

edit: oh you edited your post, gg

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

Yu have a long road of self-learning ahead of you. You have a lot of bullcrap to go through for proper info, as you may have noticed here already in this thread.

To start off, I would suggest doing bodyweight exercises to get you going; chin ups, pull ups, push ups, bodyweight squats, piston squats, and a few stretches that fall under flexibility/mobility work.

pull ups and chin ups i assume you know how to do.
make sure you try to tuck in your elbows while doing push ups (in other words, dont let your elbows be perpendicular to your torso).
piston squats (one legged squats) will take a bit of mobility work in your hip flexors and ankle to do.
if you plan to do any weighted presses later (eg. bench press, shoulder press, overhead press), maintain your shoulder health by doing [url=]this stretch[/url]. it can be done with a rubber band or a broomstick

for weighted exercises, im sure other posters have suggested something. you will need to do weighted work and shift your diet to be taking in more protein everyday if you want to get bigger at a reasonable pace.

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

@basedgodx: real athletes
Dem gymaholics steroid menge

@drpebble how tf did you find me o.o

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

@DrPebble: guys at my gym who go every day and stay for hours only take a few months to look like that though

@brub: listen to @Nashi: cause she knows everything

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

I'm 5'9, 123 pounds and content with my 6 pack that I got from not eating French fries. For real, just do fun stuff. Working out is pretty useless unless you have fun doing it; why not do fun stuff? Go surf or play soccer or snowboard, get out there- I played ultimate frisbee for a few months and man, was that a workout. Fun and lookin' good >>>>>> lifting weights; besides, girls don't like guys that look like they could beat the hell out of them... Just guys that could protect them ;3 If you know what I mean~

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

@DrPebble: WELL HELLO I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE? <3 >.< and i doubt that op wants to be some big ripped muscle guy. bulking up and looking a little more meaty only takes a few months

and maybe you would have grown to 7'5" you never know

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

@DrPebble: YOU shut up stupid scrub go eat some pebbles

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

Retracting post because of no knowledge on subject.

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

You're freakin tall I'm 14 and 5'6 FML[/quote]
I'm 13 and like 5'7" and a half. Lol. I think you're kind of short.

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

You're freakin tall I'm 14 and 5'6 FML[/quote]

I'm 18 and 5'7. It's really not that big of a deal.
>Is a male

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

based on your description, you sound like my brother. he's skinny (122lbs, 5'8&quot but he doesn't exercise. Just do a sport for school or run on a daily basis. do pushups or crunches. but start slow or you'll be all sore.

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

Stronglifts 5x5 is good for beginners

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited
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