

Sandy Hook Shooting Fake?

Hey everyone.
So I recently watched a 30minute long youtube video on them showing some pretty hard evidence on why the sandy hook shooting was faked.
I dont know about you guys, but it made my stomach turn.
Some of the key things about it that made me wonder were :
1. Some of the facebook pages were created before decemeber 14th saying that their child was dead and stuff and that they were starting a fund.
2. Some of the facebook pages were actually created December 14th, but on the morning of saying their kid was dead, then a few posts later, saying the school just went into lockdown and they weren't sure if their daughter was dead or alive.
3. In the pictures shown of the whole thing, there was not one ambulance or firetruck or anything close to the school. (Would'nt they be everywhere around the school, setting up tents and things to help the victims?
4. On video, they show the police officers removing the rifle the shooter supossedly used in the shooting from his trunk, (so this means the shooter did not use the rifle, and only in fact pistols), but then, the medical examiner said LIVE that all bullet wounds were caused by the rifle. Wth?
5. FEMA and the Home of Security planned on that date, December 14th, from 9AM to 4PM, to run practice drills, for guess what, "Planning for the needs of Children in Disasters". Like seriously, I doubt thats a coincidence..

6. In the whole live video feed, wouldn't we have seen some of the 600 students who were in the school being evacuated after the fact? We didnt see any! The only pictures of kids we saw, were the one picture with police officers guiding them out.

Anyways, you guys can watch the whole 30 min video [url=]here[/url]
Leave your thoughts and comments!

January 14, 2013

42 Comments • Newest first


[quote=canihazclaw]Just stop. Be respectful a lock this thread please.[/quote]

When evidence that is possibly proving something to be a lie, it's no longer about respect, or turning a blind eye to potentially a fraud that everyone felt so awful about.

Reply January 15, 2013

Well then if they are covering something up, then why? Can you tell me a good reason without looking like an idiot? I don't think so. The government would not need some staged massacre to convince themselves or the unconvinced that there needs to be a massive overhaul on gun control.

Reply January 15, 2013

[quote=NothingZ]This is why I used the word "may". You should not simply dismiss information just because the information they usually provide is faulty and in a way that is hideously unattractive to you. I never said the information provided was right; but rather considered the possibility that it could be right.

If InfoWars is doing that, then what about the media? They too could select the few pieces of information that they want people to know. To date, I have seen next to zero solid evidence that what happened was really how the media described it as.

In actuality, we are both basically drawing information from unreliable sources and there will never be a definite truth to the stories being generated from both sides.[/quote]

You have to choose your sources of information based on your perceptions of their reliability and consistency, otherwise you'd spend your entire life watching and reading everything anyone says about anything and not getting any closer to the truth.

I choose to watch and give weight to sources that don't display a clear agenda and bias, and that means dismissing anything coming from Infowars to last place in my personal priority list of "sources" to be watched for information about anything. This is based on their previous performance related to many other subjects.

There might be something to this discussion and there might not. But until someone other than Infowars presents something more solid, I'm not jumping to their conclusions.

Reply January 15, 2013

The shooting wasn't fake. Though you can make a conspiracy theory that the government organized the shooting so they could use it as a justification to put out as much anti-gun legislation as they desired and draw the public's attention away from the fiscal cliff deal.

Still, even with that kind of suspicion it's still just going to be another conspiracy theory amongst plenty of others.

Reply January 15, 2013

[quote=NothingZ]You didn't even bother to consider the possibility that the information provided may be right for even once.[/quote]
And you KNOW this..?

I explained to the TS why three of his original points were erroneous in the first few responses in this thread.
I watched about half the video, enough to determine it was a thinly woven typical Infowars conspiracy video, the type I've wasted far too much time watching in the past.
Their use of brief out-of-context clips strung together with a narrative designed to lead the viewer to their pre-determined conclusion is quite typical of their other "documentaries" and "proves" nothing. In particular, they pull 15 second clips out of "developing news stories" and try to make them stick as "facts".

Yes, it's a presentation of things. Whether any of those things is related to any of the other things presented is subject to conjecture.
It's so poorly presented it could be taken as "proof" of a lot of things.

Reply January 15, 2013 - edited

The two girls look so similar they can be mistaken for twins. The girl's face looks more like the victim's sister by a tad. This does not prove much if anything.

Reply January 15, 2013 - edited

[quote=NothingZ]I see no reason in attacking or trying to convince another person who is unwilling or not yet ready to accept other ways of thinking. His previous comments are immature and sarcastic, and perhaps that was his method of sending you the message that no matter how much you tell him, he's not going to change his structured beliefs.[/quote]

If there was anything worth considering being presented here, I'd be the first one to give it the consideration it deserves.

As it is, we have brief out of context video clips being strung together with an obvious agenda, anonymous photographs, erroneous assumptions and very little more.

Reply January 15, 2013 - edited

[quote=BuidnessMan]I dont want to believe that they would fake such a thing, but the facts are just too much[/quote]

The thing is, you're stretching out-of-context brief video clips and anonymous uncredited photographs into "facts".

Seriously, you can clip statements out of context and built a "documentary" proving just about anything you want.
"Ancient Aliens" on the Discovery Channel is one example of that.

So what is the provenance of that photograph with the President..?
Just an anonymous picture with no credits, no date, no location, no details, doesn't prove anything.
There are pictures of a "Stargate" being built in China. Total government conspiracy.

Reply January 15, 2013 - edited

@BobR Are you seriously telling me that those two girls, are not the same person? You need to get your eyes checked, they are clearly the same person. You just won't accept it.

Reply January 15, 2013 - edited

@BuidnessMan Also notice how the face structure looks different, hair, and eyes

Reply January 15, 2013 - edited

As you can see, the family from picture one is the same as the family in picture 2. [/quote]

I see one anonymous, looks like every other little blond girl in that picture along with several other obviously different kids with the President.
I certainly don't see "the same family" with the President at all.
Is Emily the only little blond girl who ever wore a red and black dress..?

Reply January 15, 2013 - edited

@bannana The more and more facts that come about are just really killing me. I dont want to believe that they would fake such a thing, but the facts are just too much

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited

As you can see, the family from picture one is the same as the family in picture 2.

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited

@BuidnessMan: You show only one video to support this. ONE. There are more than one other sources that show otherwise. And yes, I did mix up the type of drill that was planned, but a drill regarding that needs planning weeks in advance.

I don't even really care about this conspiracy thing as much as I care that people are buying this. Every huge tragedy is somehow the government's fault now or just some cover up or planned event.

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited

[quote=BuidnessMan]Please explain this.[/quote]

It's a midget CIA agent who bleached her hair and had plastic surgery to make her look like the child.
What other explanation could there be..?

As if there aren't 40 million blonde little girls who get dragged to Washington, DC by their families to have their picture taken with the President.

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited

@BuidnessMan I did know that, actually. Do you know the precise amount of time it takes a news helicopter to mobilize, provided there is even one available at any given time? Because I don't, but then again I'm not the one criticizing the way the media handled the situation.

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited

Okay guys. If you have not already been interested in finding out the truth, how about this? This should change your mind completely as it would convict someone in the court of law.
This is a picture of Emilie Parker. She is on the far right.
[url=]Emilie parker family photo.[/url]
Well then why AFTER the shooting, when she was supposedly killed, was she in a photo with the president of the untied states?
[url=]In the middle.[/url]
Please explain this.
@Alcides @askmiller

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited

Did you watch the video in my post? It shows clear evidence of the facebook pages.
The FEMA drill thing, was planned weeks before on the same date, the same time for children in disasters. That is not the same thing as your school holding a lockdown drill. -_-
No, youre, wrong, there were not ambulances and firetrucks on the scene, they were a block away, as we already have concluded.

Media crews do have helicopters, you know that right?

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited

@askmiller There have been plenty of studies, it is such studies of which I am referring in my argument. I'm not saying Lee Harvey Oswald did or did not shoot the President, instead I'm saying that whether he did or didn't, the American gov't, and possibly gov'ts of other Allies who also feared JFK's policies orchestrated the hit on his life. These are just my personal beliefs, however; in no way am I claiming them to be fact.

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited

Jesus, you sheep should just try looking into things for yourself.
You'd honestly be surprised at what you could find.

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited

Ok now, you mean to say that none of those children died that day? You mean to say that someone set up this event in the quite, small town of Newtown, CT?

Most of these conspiracy theories are made to get people going and make the government look bad, basically BULLSH[I]T.

In this BS theory you blindly support, I see a few flaws in the evidence YOU just brought forth.

The whole rifle thing was one comment made by one examiner on one station. I f anyone saw the other stations, they said he used multiple pistols, but was in possession of a rifle.

Second, the thing with the emergency services. There were ambulances, squad cars and some firetrucks on the scene. During Live feeds around the schools, there were plenty of police and medical servicemen around the area.

Third, the kids not being evacuated. Ok if you were in charge of a large group of kids and you hear that (possibly) two armed men are shooting it up, you'd keep the kids safe in isolation for as long as necessary. The police didn't move them because they were worried about a supposed second armed man.

Fourth, the FEMA drill thing. My schools runs planned drills constantly for precautions. If something bad happened then it would be an unfortunate coincidence. No one views this as such because of the magnitude of this event.

As for the Facebook articles I call random BS and have never heard such stories.

Now lock this thread, curl up next to your computer, and search the darkest depths of the internet you scumbag.

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited

A skeptic should doubt skepticism itself.

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited

@askmiller I agree with you [b]almost[/b] entirely. I am for the most part against all the conspiracy theorist nutjobs, because I believe most of them are only creating these false explanations just to gain attention for challenging the status quo. However, the JFK shooting is almost indisputably a true conspiracy. JFK wanted to shrink gov't by eliminating such organizations as the CIA and FBI, thus limiting the gov't power. A lot of people in the gov't wanted him dead, and a lot of facts line up to it being an inside job.

@BuidnessMan Irrelevant. You said there weren't EMS at the scene, and there were. And on a side note, the question of why you didn't see children getting evacuated from the school on television: really sit and think about this one.

>Shooting happens, police get notified
>Police respond
>News crews are notified, mobilize to the scene for coverage
>Cops prevent news crews from getting close to the school due to it being an active crime scene with possible shooter still on the loose
>Cops clear the school, evacuate children, assess damages
>Cops conclude area is safe, allow media entry
>Kids already evacuated, thus why you see many children/families in the parking lot, some being interviewed by the reporters.

Is it really hard to think logically?

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited

We already concluded that ambulances and firetrucks aren't allowed near the school.
You do know that in the picture you posted those cars are parked a block away from the school. Thats not the school they are parked next to -_-

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited

No ambulences or firetrucks at the school?

People seriously need to stop watching videos and perceiving everything said as fact without doing any research for themselves. I could go through your "evidence" list 1 by 1 and disprove each of them, however I don't intend on wasting my time. Do your own research instead of believing some whacked out anon's youtube video.

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited

[quote=fraddddBS]Dave Mustaine (lead singer of Megadeth) thinks that all the recent shootings were staged by Obama...[/quote]

That's about as credible a source for anything as is.

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited

[quote=fraddddBS]Dave Mustaine (lead singer of Megadeth) thinks that all the recent shootings were staged by Obama...[/quote]

I love his music (mostly the older stuff) but he is a complete conspiracy nutcase and constantly blurts out random nonsense.

OT: what @Bobr said

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited

Okay to your first response, I was not aware about that. I am still surprise there were no news people or anything there to get video of atleast some of the 600 students exiting the school.

To your second reponse, the scene of them removing the rifle was LIVE footage. It happened after they confirmed the shooter as dead, and they went to check his car.

To your third response, I am just a little confused of that all the news stations were there, didnt get any footage of the kids leaving the school? Maybe its true, they left before the fact..

What about the fact that some foundation pages were made before the massacre? Can you explain that?[/quote]

I have no clue about Facebook or how their date-stamping works.

Again, news cameras are kept behind the perimeter so there weren't any cameras wandering around during EVERY single moment. A lot of the coverage on TV is from helicopters, and it's mostly just brief clips, not time-stamped and not in any given sequence (ie: we don't know WHEN they were taken in context to anything else).
The cameras may actually have been restricted from photographing the children being removed to avoid further traumatizing them. Nobody knows exactly what was happening when.

As for the video of the gun being removed, again- did YOU see the entire thing, or just selected video clips..?
The one scene in that YouTube video is a fuzzy clip that could be anything, anywhere and certainly doesn't look like an AR-15 class Bushmaster rifle. The video tries to explain that away by saying there's another clip somewhere that shows something else, but then why show the fuzzy clip they did show, other than to stir up controversy..?

Last point- I just noticed this video is from
That's all I need to know to dismiss it completely.

They could prove that YOU are a gray alien soldier, sent here by the Bilderburg New World Order to force the government into taking away our toasters.

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited

I'm guessing you watch Alex Jones. LOL

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited

Okay to your first response, I was not aware about that. I am still surprise there were no news people or anything there to get video of atleast some of the 600 students exiting the school.

To your second reponse, the scene of them removing the rifle was LIVE footage. It happened after they confirmed the shooter as dead, and they went to check his car.

To your third response, I am just a little confused of that all the news stations were there, didnt get any footage of the kids leaving the school? Maybe its true, they left before the fact..

What about the fact that some foundation pages were made before the massacre? Can you explain that?[/quote]

Is there any proof on anything you've said aside from the video claiming that? Do you have any citations on any reliable/non biased sources?

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited

Okay to your first response, I was not aware about that. I am still surprise there were no news people or anything there to get video of atleast some of the 600 students exiting the school.

To your second reponse, the scene of them removing the rifle was LIVE footage. It happened after they confirmed the shooter as dead, and they went to check his car.

To your third response, I am just a little confused of that all the news stations were there, didnt get any footage of the kids leaving the school? Maybe its true, they left before the fact..

What about the fact that some foundation pages were made before the massacre? Can you explain that?

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited

Well, in my opinion, if I had to think of something, before December 14th, there was a lot of talk about gun control. Maybe this was to get more people against the NRA and push it through? Idk, just a thought.

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited

[quote=BuidnessMan]3. In the pictures shown of the whole thing, there was not one ambulance or firetruck or anything close to the school. (Would'nt they be everywhere around the school, setting up tents and things to help the victims?[/quote]

First-responders are not ALLOWED close to the scene when there's a possibility there may be more shooters. Look at what happened in New York when fire-fighters responded to a fire and a sniper nutjob took out two of them before they knew what was happening. The perimeter for an active crime-scene is often a full block away from the center of the scene. Until police are absolutely certain there's no remaining threat, they keep EVERYONE away from the scene.

[quote=BuidnessMan]4. On video, they show the police officers removing the rifle the shooter supossedly used in the shooting from his trunk, (so this means the shooter did not use the rifle, and only in fact pistols), but then, the medical examiner said LIVE that all bullet wounds were caused by the rifle. Wth?[/quote]

Did you see COMPLETE video coverage of EVERYTHING that happened from the first moment to the very last..?
That ONE SCENE shows a police officer removing a weapon from a vehicle. It doesn't show what might have happened PREVIOUSLY, which might have included the weapon being put into the vehicle temporarily. Just seeing snippets of video coverage doesn't prove ANYTHING.

[quote=BuidnessMan]6. In the whole live video feed, wouldn't we have seen some of the 600 students who were in the school being evacuated after the fact? We didnt see any! The only pictures of kids we saw, were the one picture with police officers guiding them out. [/quote]

Again, were you on-scene watching EVERY MOMENT while this event was being played out..?
Or did you just watch random video clips showing 15 seconds at a time of something happening somewhere out of context..?

Unless you have access to a FULL uninterrupted video of EVERYTHING that happened that day, you have no basis for making any conclusions based on incomplete evidence.

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited

Why fake the murder of children?
That would be like making a chocolate cake without sugar

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited

Im not being disrespectful. Im just simply observing the facts and asking what you guys think about them.
They do not add up to me.
I wish I never even had to think about it being fake and disrespect the lives that were taken that day, but some questions have to be answered.

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited

The thing about conspiracies is that, no one can/or can't prove them. So debate all you want [i]everyone[/i] neither sides can be proven correct or incorrect.

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited

[quote=kpop224]OMG ... your right... 9/11 must be a fraud also ![/quote]

Ikr! Those effects were so fake!

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited


Reply January 14, 2013 - edited

I am not saying its fake, I'm just saying its fishy.
Can you explain why a foundation page was created for their daughter before the massacre even happened?
I can't, and you can't either. Its fishy.
Can you explain why there were no ambulances or firetrucks around the whole scene except a block away?
I cant, and you can't either. Its fishy
Can you explain why FEMA and home security planned for child disasters on this date at the same time of the shooting?
I cant and you cant either. Its fishy.
Some things need to be explained..

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited

Photoshop and multiple guns

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited

I bet all those caskets were fake too you insufferable jerk.

Reply January 14, 2013 - edited