

Range Needed to complete ranked dojo?

im currently lvl 152 with 42k self buffed range and only got to floor 35 and ran out of mp.
wat range is good to compete in the top 50?

May 30, 2013

8 Comments • Newest first


[quote=SeeMeTwice]Well then I'd have to regretfully tell you that your best/(maybe only) option would be to upgrade your gear.
Dojo isn't for everyone, so take it as if it were another boss. You have to hit a certain level of funding in order to beat it and once you do, you can keep beating it again and again.
Good luck! I recommend slowly upgrading with tradable gears and selling your newly obsolete gear as you go.[/quote]

thanks man. i thinking about upgrading my dagger first since its only 132 atk. my 82 atk katara should be fine for now

Reply May 31, 2013

I was able to finish ranked dojo with 41k self buffed. Taking 16 minutes.
Although, I used an nx pot.

EDIT: Forgot to say, level 17X, so I had asura.
Also, look up videos relating to spawn times in dojo. Knowing when the bosses spawn will help shave off your time by a lot.

Reply May 31, 2013 - edited

[quote=Cessxos]thanks for the info but if i take out my 9% tempest belt ring and pendent, there would be a huge drop off in my damage and i probably wont be able to kill the monsters in time.[/quote]

Well then I'd have to regretfully tell you that your best/(maybe only) option would be to upgrade your gear.
Dojo isn't for everyone, so take it as if it were another boss. You have to hit a certain level of funding in order to beat it and once you do, you can keep beating it again and again.
Good luck! I recommend slowly upgrading with tradable gears and selling your newly obsolete gear as you go.

Reply May 31, 2013 - edited

Use a potion pot or sit in between the stages. 60k range to complete dojo usually

Reply May 31, 2013 - edited

[quote=SeeMeTwice]If you run out of mp, your problem may not be damage, but to change out items that are in a set.
When you use set items you don't recover hp, but if you take them off you recover enough to never run out.

I'd recommend taking off all set items you have unless you completely rely on them and get half-decent replacements for dojo only.[/quote]

thanks for the info but if i take out my 9% tempest belt ring and pendent, there would be a huge drop off in my damage and i probably wont be able to kill the monsters in time.

Reply May 31, 2013 - edited

Depends on what time the 50th placed person's time is, in scania its around the 14 min mark (during populated times). Idk about El Nido, but around a 50k range to finish ranked dojo. The most important thing though is learning when to use your hyper, FC and Terms.
If you're running out of MP try getting Evan skill card, or just level up high and do it later at a higher level.

Reply May 30, 2013 - edited

If you run out of mp, your problem may not be damage, but to change out items that are in a set.
When you use set items you don't recover hp, but if you take them off you recover enough to never run out.

I'd recommend taking off all set items you have unless you completely rely on them and get half-decent replacements for dojo only.

Reply May 30, 2013 - edited

Summon and unsummon familiars to recover mp i think.
Or just get to 170 and youll clear it fine.

Reply May 30, 2013 - edited