

Training spot for 150

I've stepped away from the game for a while and am returning and was wondering where a lvl 152 Mercedes can go train? Is it still LHC or are there better options now?

April 4, 2015

1 Comment • Newest first


My Maple Routine:

I go to Star Planet first to get Rewards Points (Nx) and a 30 minute 2x EXP coupon.
Then craft items to get my diligence up (for scrolling)

I do daily bossing runs.

-Horntail (Best to do HT first because it buffs you)
-Von Leon

Then maybe Dimensional Invasion PQ runs (solo or with a party)
If you feel like you want to level more than once a day then grind for a long time at MP3

Man... you can waste so much time on this game lol

Reply April 5, 2015