

Violin 4th finger and 3rd position help?

Alright so if anyOne plays violin, please help me:3
So I've been playing a while and I'm pretty sure I'm good at it but everytime I play 4th finger on the G or D string, it sounds awkward.
I mean I have no problem playing then an I press at the required 'force' but it still sounds weird. I can't explain it but it sometimes squeaks and my violin rarely squeaks(when I'm not playing 4th) and sounds a little muffled. And another tiny problem is, when I goto 3rd position on the G,D,and sometimes A string, it also sounds a little "muffled" and squeaky...

March 1, 2012

1 Comment • Newest first


There is a possibility that you are muffling some of the other strings.

4th finger is kind of an awkward finger, obviously, so there is a large chance that you may be unknowingly touching other parts of your instrument.

You could be doing harmonics too without knowing it...
Do you have a private teacher? If so, ask them about it, and if not, get one.

Reply March 1, 2012