chunchild239 #Updates Talk

General Updates

PvP Caputure the Flag cant recieve medal. As you know, with the addition of GMS exclusive Capture the Flag, 3 new medals have come along with it- Cap Crusher- defeat the flag carrier 5 times. Top Capper- capture the flag 5 times. Cap Savior- Recover the flag 10 times I have gotten the first 2, but for some reason, I can't collect the 3rd. I've been CtF-ing for about 2 hours now, and I swear I've recovered at least 30 of them... but Dalair just won't give it to me... A possible thing may be Do I have to recover my OWN teams flag? or the ENEMIES flag? Does it matter? I definetly have recovered it both ways 10 times though... :| anyone able to get it?

General Updates

maplepoints plus windia crashing equals sad face Okay... In a nutshell, I got the 5k nexon credits for logging on an hour last week... However, I spent it on Tornado Spin (3.9k) and used it... Shortly afterwards, the channels crashed and then... I LOG ON AND NEITHER THE CREDIT OR THE ABILITY TO ADD MORE SP IS THERE! Oh yeah, I lost the 60% Katara scroll too... :| What do? I already sent a ticket. too long; didn't read: I buy TS mastery book. Game crashes. Log on to find no mastery book or nexon.