

Bored random rant about Dispel

So I'm at Pap in mu lung pq, and he friggin dispels, and it takes me like 10 friggin seconds to get all my buffs back up.
Is it just me or do paladins have way too many buffs to keep up?

we have, weapon booster, lightning charge, fire/ice/holy charge, power guard, maple warrior, combat orders, iron body, and power stance

that's like 8 buffs!

meh, it's bad enough at Czak, I spent more time buffing than actually attacking when it was dispelling every 10 seconds

Czak would be dispel and I'd be like, ok, time to rebuff, so I get halfway through buffing and he dispels again and I'm like, dammit, restart. Then he dispels again! *rage*

January 19, 2012

20 Comments • Newest first


[quote=Classicvibe]Mages really only have magic guard and bless/medi to worry about.

Infinity has a long enough cooldown and such a short duration
You don't need tele mastery because you don't want to tele into Czak body
magic armor is weak
and you can have someone else cast maple warrior, As a paladin with mw31 i'm somewhat obligated to MW.[/quote]

Well if you're on your own, then you need to worry about MW, but booster is a biggie, especially to I/L mages! (no booster = a much slower CL, an attack that is all about speed)

Reply January 28, 2012

lol it doesnt even bother me, us battle mages have to re-buff so often anyways

Reply January 27, 2012

[quote=Ouhai]Mages also have a lot of buffs to handle too
-Magic Guard, Magic Armor, Adv Bless for bishops/Medi for AMs, spell booster (and its god awful delay), toggle on tele mastery (since it can get dispelled), ele reset (if needed), maple warrior, and infinity!(the worst of the worst because once it's dispelled, can't be used for a long time)

Plus at least you can actually survive from being dispelled! Annoying to recast buffs yes, but still survivalable D:[/quote]

Mages really only have magic guard and bless/medi to worry about.

Infinity has a long enough cooldown and such a short duration
You don't need tele mastery because you don't want to tele into Czak body
magic armor is weak
and you can have someone else cast maple warrior, As a paladin with mw31 i'm somewhat obligated to MW.

Reply January 22, 2012

When Heroes get dispelled, they lose 20 orbs worth of buffs + the buffs we share with Paladins (Power Guard, Stance, Booster, MW, etc).

And we can't exactly survive well without Power Reflection because we lost Achilles <_<.

Pallies have it much better...

Reply January 22, 2012

Well that's why you don't need to put on every single buff. If you are going to be dispelled a LOT of times, just put the most important buffs first. Here are the most important I believe:
1. Power Guard (so you don't die)
2. Holy/Fire (so you can attack with a lot more damage)
3. Booster (more damage and fast buff cast)
(no CO because the Cast is too long)

you can dish out a lot more damage by saving yourself the trouble of wasting time to buff those last 6 buffs. And to fully buff, it can take about 10 seconds. Those buffs take about 2.5-3 seconds. So if your boss dispells every 10-15 seconds and you are fully buffing, you will have 0-5 seconds for attacking. But if your boss dispells 10-15 seconds and you buff those 3, you can get 7-12 seconds of attacking. Time is damage, don't waste it.

Reply January 22, 2012

It's terrible in pvp... I jump in using ACB, but I realize i got dispelled and I haven't been attacking By the time i realize to recast my charge i'm usually dead

Reply January 21, 2012

Mages also have a lot of buffs to handle too
-Magic Guard, Magic Armor, Adv Bless for bishops/Medi for AMs, spell booster (and its god awful delay), toggle on tele mastery (since it can get dispelled), ele reset (if needed), maple warrior, and infinity!(the worst of the worst because once it's dispelled, can't be used for a long time)

Plus at least you can actually survive from being dispelled! Annoying to recast buffs yes, but still survivalable D:

Reply January 21, 2012

I agree Paladins have too many buffs. It's annoying. Stance and Booster should be passive, and double charging should be removed in exchange for each individual charge giving a larger boost. Also, CO and the HP healing skill take way too freaking long to cast. They should just make every buff in general have a tiny or no delay.

Reply January 21, 2012 - edited

I meant dojo pap =P

but yeah, I think Czak is where it's most prominent.

I have a bishop too though, so I get lucked out twice =[
My first run... I think I went through 6 wheels in about 2 minutes... lol xD

Reply January 21, 2012 - edited

[quote=CTBlack]If you have some stance, then rush pap to the left and climb onto the platform and fight him, he doesn't dispel when you are on the platform.

* Hi Hi Ky Ky WRU? *[/quote]

Thank you for this! I kill pap almost twice as fast now ^_^

In Dojo I just try to maintain divine shield at all times so if he 1/1's me it'll always hit a divine shield. Works pretty well. I have +16 mp/4 sec on 2 of my equips so if he drains my mana I'll just cast power guard/co and use heaven hammer.

Reply January 21, 2012 - edited

If you have some stance, then rush pap to the left and climb onto the platform and fight him, he doesn't dispel when you are on the platform.

* Hi Hi Ky Ky WRU? *

Reply January 20, 2012 - edited

Both have undispellable hb and co. Although I must admit decent hb doesn't limit you as much as decent co does.

Iron Will
Hyper Body
Weapon Booster
Dragon Strength
Power Stance
Maple Warrior

Not to mention hex, which is 5 buffs, 1 of which is very important. You have no control over what buff is buffed so up to [b]20 seconds[/b] may have to pass before hex's att buff activates. That doesn't include the other buffs either.

Reply January 20, 2012 - edited

[quote=Saltybandaid]Iron body is kind-of useless if you're 1handed+shield.
Honestly; I do feel like I have a crap-load of buffs (Most since I've got ALL the decent skills [SI, Adv. Bless, SE, HB, and haste]).
But the only time I ever get annoyed by dispel is PvP and czak.[/quote]

Iron body is still about 600 extra wdef, so unless you have max def without it there's no harm in putting it.
But yeah, pallies do have a lot of buffs.

Reply January 20, 2012 - edited

When that happens, I usually recast CO, Power Guard + Iron Body (macro), and Lightning+Fire / Lightning+Ice (macro), and then recast booster in the middle when I can actually stop attacking for 1 second

Reply January 20, 2012 - edited

It'll be okay. Just use the Persian Cat's auto buff...oh wait...

Reply January 20, 2012 - edited

Yes. Too many buffs. It's very annoying at Czak. I don't need to use Iron Body, but you can just swap in Maple Warrior for that.

A+ thread

Reply January 20, 2012 - edited

Pap at Dojo for me:
1. Get dispelled -> Rebuff CO, PG Booster and Fire Charge.
2. Get 1/1'd -> Rebuff PG within 12 seconds, CO in another 12, HH in 16. Threaten (if necessary) once every 8 seconds.
3. Divine Shield activates -> Sit down on Musical Note Chair for entire duration if 1/1'd previously, continue attacking if not.
4. Dispelled and 1/1'd -> Die.

The fastest I've killed Pap is about 5 minutes. The slowest...I had 12 seconds left on the timer.
Never killed Mu Gong.

But uhh, yeah. If I get dispelled too often, I don't even bother with most of my buffs. PG, Booster and Charge; CO if I want to use HH. No point in buffing if it's all going away in a few seconds.

Reply January 20, 2012 - edited

yer, i remember pap at dojo, omg dispell - buff - run out of mp - die >.> (most of the time)

Reply January 20, 2012 - edited

[quote=Phthisis]@Saltybandaid I find it [i]Ironic[/i] that warrior are the ones most affected by magic crash in pvp.[/quote]

Magic Crash isn't too much of a problem for DrK's or Heroes, but it really messes up Paladins and mages.

Reply January 20, 2012 - edited

Iron body is kind-of useless if you're 1handed+shield.
Honestly; I do feel like I have a crap-load of buffs (Most since I've got ALL the decent skills [SI, Adv. Bless, SE, HB, and haste]).
But the only time I ever get annoyed by dispel is PvP and czak.

Reply January 19, 2012 - edited