

Why do we prolong the inevitable?

title says all.

October 16, 2013

18 Comments • Newest first


ignorance is bliss.

Reply October 17, 2013

because maybe the inevitable will go away
because we don't want the inevitable
because we're not ready for the inevitable

Reply October 16, 2013 - edited

Go kill youself. Your reason for not doing it is the answer. Every one will have a different answer.

Reply October 16, 2013 - edited

Because death is inevitable. If you will eventually die, wouldn't you rather experience as much as you can, as compared to as little.

Reply October 16, 2013 - edited

Because life is a reward in and of itself. Why live when we're going to die anyways? Why do anything then? Why eat a pizza when it's going to be done, why watch a movie when it will be over, etc, etc.

People do things for the sake of doing them and the feelings, experiences, and memories of having done them.

Reply October 16, 2013 - edited

So that we can make the most out of our lives. I'm sure no one wants to die early.

Reply October 16, 2013 - edited

Humans often have an unhealthy relationship with the unknown.

Even though Continuity of Consciousness- "Life after Death"- is a certainty at this point with all the testing, experiments, and case studies done with Out of Body Experiences.

We don't run to it before our time because we still have a great many things to learn and experience here. Even if we don't know it in our heads, we can feel it.

Reply October 16, 2013 - edited

Only the negative inevitable. Why would I want to do anything painful, negative, upsetting, whatever, if I can put it off until a later time? If you really want an answer, think about why you haven't gone ahead and killed yourself yet. It's inevitable, so why not get it over with? Your (hopefully genuine) answer here can probably be applied across the board.

Reply October 16, 2013 - edited

Because the only way to continue is just bailing themselves out and rescheduling for further times. There's nothing they can do as it involves the lives of everyone which is impossible. They will fall eventually with the rest of the world.

Reply October 16, 2013 - edited

Well since the moment of our conception, every cell in our body works to keep us alive. It's in our very nature to keep our faculties together.

Reply October 16, 2013 - edited

death is the final destination, no way around it.

Reply October 16, 2013 - edited

Because we hate the idea that we are not in control of our own lives. We will defiantly cling to life until the inevitable proves its power over us.

Reply October 16, 2013 - edited

Not until I score, because I am still a curious little man.

Reply October 16, 2013 - edited

We make the best of it. Although it is inevitable we do not simply sit down and suck on our thumbs until the day comes. Kinda like when you were little and you didn't want to go to the dentist's appointment, and wanted to extend the length of time where you were present. Although it has a different circumstantial view, it is another way to look at it.

Reply October 16, 2013 - edited

Because it's fun to do stuff.

Reply October 16, 2013 - edited

what inevitable?

Reply October 16, 2013 - edited