

Critical Thinking

Why isn't something as important as critical thinking not required in school?

January 9, 2014

9 Comments • Newest first


You took/were offered bad classes. I was tested on critical thinking on a regular basis.

In university I expect every teacher to give crazy questions we've never been directly taught now.

Reply January 10, 2014 - edited

For me, critical thinking was listed under philosophy and that in itself isn't actually required except for GE.

Reply January 10, 2014 - edited

Because there's one answer and it's at the back of the book. But no peeking! That's cheating. And no sharing answers! That's collaboration, and we frown on that in school as well (unless you're doing mind-numbing group projects).

Source: I grew up in Texas.

Reply January 10, 2014 - edited

This is just in preparation for idiocracy.

Reply January 10, 2014 - edited

I am pretty sure it is

Reply January 9, 2014 - edited

Isn't critical thinking already a requisite for middle school, high school, and college?

Reply January 9, 2014 - edited

Yah gotta learn whats already been found, then later use that to help make new things. The people who learn the fastest are kewl. The people who make new things early are kewl. The people who cant learn fast enough are helped. The people who resent help are forgotten. The people who cant create new things but memorize are hired as consultants. The people who can create new things but don't memorize become artists. The people who memorize what has been, and create new things, are the most powerful people.

Critical thinking-> logic.
I reckon logic isn't something business people want the majority of people to have. It would affect the sales of every overpriced product. Apple PCs are overpriced, Cola is water and cheap syrup, most artists and business owners never become rich. The business/ institute owners shall teach what they want you to teach. They own the teachers as employees. They know that facts are the cheapest type of education. To create logical people is too impersonal and expensive to the few people that govern the educational system. The teacher may provide a chance to use imagination. The Principals may provide a chance to change how teachers teach. The Institute governors may change what they teach. The only chance you have to change the educational system is to self-teach what you want. Create what you want. Do this as you learn what they have.

Reply January 9, 2014 - edited

that's why we have AP classes, to test your critical thinking abilities.

but yes, I do agree. We need to introduce more logic and critical thinking classes.

Reply January 9, 2014 - edited

I'd say the concept of grades themselves. They force kids to memorize information/facts and just regurgitate them on tests. It really gives no emphasis on actually understanding information and being able to use it.

Reply January 9, 2014 - edited