LoL - Hows Solo Queue Going?

Hows it going for yall I recently came back and got to Gold 1 already and it doesn't feel like people got better. Getting boring playing by myself too but atleast I am climbing.

July 15, 2014

41 Comments • Newest first


Just got plat last night. Hope I can make it to diamond by September.

Reply July 20, 2014

I wish my smurf was 30. Soloq boring rn, I just want to go back to bronze

Reply July 19, 2014

@lulwhat: Obviously it won't prove crap. He will never beat me and he is the one in denial saying he deserves a better rank.


HUG ME BROTHAAA! I feel you I only play by myself and it sucks. Let me know your IGN and I can add you and play some time.

Reply July 19, 2014 - edited

soloq has been so bad for me on my placements on a smurf acc. >.<
By the looks of it, it will take me at least another 100 games to just get to plat at least.... I really wish i had friends to duoq with or actually, just friends....

Reply July 19, 2014 - edited

[quote=cool123ter]Since you clearly don't deserve Silver 1v1 me im Gold 1 if you win clearly you are Plat.[/quote]

There are multiple things that 1v1's cannot prove... So you asking him is just pointless.

Reply July 18, 2014 - edited

[quote=MapleFlow]@LamboRev: Nope, you just have the wrong idea of conceited. Also, in game I don't bash people a lot like what you are doing to me right now, it'd be best to not be ignorant and judge someone.

Also, if I was conceited I would of been excessively proud of myself which I never stated in any of my posts. So ha your loss.[/quote]

Since you clearly don't deserve Silver 1v1 me im Gold 1 if you win clearly you are Plat.

Reply July 17, 2014 - edited

@maplestorysux: Last time I checked it was northern cali. BUT im not even sure anymore to be honest

Reply July 16, 2014 - edited

[quote=KyShadow]@maplestorysux: I like the 20~25 ping in LAN compared to this god awful 125~140 in NA I get. Feels like im drownin
I also am liking the fact that a lot of other east coasters are coming over to LAN which brings in some english.[/quote]
Its too bad i wont be on the east coast anymore. I'll be a lot closer to the west coast and probably would have better ping in NA assuming that my ISP doesnt suck. And btw, where is the NA server located in the west?

Reply July 16, 2014 - edited

@maplestorysux: I like the 20~25 ping in LAN compared to this god awful 125~140 in NA I get. Feels like im drownin
I also am liking the fact that a lot of other east coasters are coming over to LAN which brings in some english.

Reply July 16, 2014 - edited

[quote=LamboRev]@MapleFlow: Stats don't mean anything if you don't know what to do. I can also just take kills and never die also. You just have to realize times to harass, who to harass, how to freeze lane, and when to go all in. Farming alone in lane doesn't win lane or games just saying. I also can't stand watching how much people just destroy turrets ASAP when they aren't in danger or if there isn't another objective to take. [b]Let the turrets kill most if not all the minions before you kill the turret. This denies EXP and gold to your enemy. Also sometimes slowly destroying turret can deny gold if you know how to harass under turret range safely.[/b] Staying ahead is easy if you just remember these few tips. KDA be low 4.5 isn't really good.
@djmaxaaro But its true when you see how much bronzes and silver saying they can do what challengers do. If you can't admit you're bad at something. How will you ever improve?[/quote]
None of my bronze/silvers friends understand this. They also always make sure to counter jungle when the enemy jungler is at least 2 lvls above them with more items.

Reply July 16, 2014 - edited

[quote=LamboRev]@MapleFlow: Stats don't mean anything if you don't know what to do. I can also just take kills and never die also. You just have to realize times to harass, who to harass, how to freeze lane, and when to go all in. Farming alone in lane doesn't win lane or games just saying. I also can't stand watching how much people just destroy turrets ASAP when they aren't in danger or if there isn't another objective to take. Let the turrets kill most if not all the minions before you kill the turret. This denies EXP and gold to your enemy. Also sometimes slowly destroying turret can deny gold if you know how to harass under turret range safely. Staying ahead is easy if you just remember these few tips. KDA be low 4.5 isn't really good.
@djmaxaaro But its true when you see how much bronzes and silver saying they can do what challengers do. If you can't admit you're bad at something. How will you ever improve?[/quote]

Let them say what they want, I do agree that if you want to get better and advance in ranks to look at yourself, but that doesn't always mean that they want to truly get better and also you shouldn't disregard every other factor including teammates can actually be a disadvantage or advantage depending entirely on themselves in lower elo and can actually be quite a hindrance regardless of how well you do.

Reply July 16, 2014 - edited

[quote=djmaxaaron]@crazypoorer: no no. it's true. You don't have to have any skill rofl

Well, I guess no luck = no elo right?

Reply July 16, 2014 - edited

@crazypoorer: no no. it's true. You don't have to have any skill rofl

Reply July 16, 2014 - edited

@djmaxaaron: Don't try to trick people with that illusion of a picture. We all know you fed them on purpose to inflate their confidence and then destroyed them in the last team fight.

Reply July 16, 2014 - edited

[quote=crazypoorer]Maybe this, maybe that. Hypothetical crap aside, he's in his rank now and you're in silver. Facts speak for themselves[/quote]

pls, this is how you carry. There are no facts, ranks don't matter at all.

Reply July 16, 2014 - edited

@LamboRev: Nope, you just have the wrong idea of conceited. Also, in game I don't bash people a lot like what you are doing to me right now, it'd be best to not be ignorant and judge someone.

Also, if I was conceited I would of been excessively proud of myself which I never stated in any of my posts. So ha your loss.

Reply July 16, 2014 - edited

@MapleFlow: No one is getting hyped from bashing and stating facts. If you blame your support/team for your loses aren't you full of yourself for blaming them for your lost. When you lose it's your fault for not being able to carry. You lose cause you couldn't/ don't know what to do to win the game. I'm going to stop arguing with you cause there's no way in hell I'm going to win against someone who is conceited.

Reply July 16, 2014 - edited

@LamboRev: Hype is the random bashing, and saying that you play more correct than me. lol
I just talked about having bad supports; plus I did not say all the time, I literally get the worst supports lol
No, I didn't never talked about being better than the team, I just stated that I cant win when someone is 1/7 or... technically feeding.
Also, you seem to have the wrong idea about someone being conceited.

Reply July 16, 2014 - edited

@MapleFlow: First of all, where the hype at? Second, its easy to tell how you play like if you complain about your team. Third, you talked if you better than your teammates. Of course, I'm going to bash you for it. What else is there to say when you are conceited.

Reply July 16, 2014 - edited

[quote=MapleFlow]I'm on my series for silver 2, 1 loss, 1 win. Silver is so bad oh god, like people dont even try or care. I used to main ADC but it is hell playing it in silver when you get like the worst supports ever </3[/quote]
It ain't that bad for me. I keep constantly getting good players in high silver.
[url=]Maybe it's because I have a high MMR [/url]

Reply July 16, 2014 - edited

@LamboRev: Lol what got you all hyped up? I was just talking about my game and all of a sudden it seemed like you where talking to me as if you knew how I played league all the time lol. Yeah, you're playing a better version, okay then lol. It was like the moment I said i was silver you trashed talked me and proved on how oh so correct you were lol. geeezz dude lol what is wrong with you?...

Reply July 16, 2014 - edited

[quote=MapleFlow]@LamboRev: You have never see me play league lol. Just because im 'silver' does not mean i dont know how to play the game correctly lol. Maybe you just got lucky and got good teammates or the other team was just bad.[/quote]

You keep thinking like that. Luck don't exist if I'm a pinging monsta and type all ward timers +summoner spell timers on chat. Yeah you're playing correctly, but you know what? I'm playing a better version of what you think is correct.

Reply July 16, 2014 - edited

[quote=MapleFlow]@LamboRev: You have never see me play league lol. Just because im 'silver' does not mean i dont know how to play the game correctly lol. Maybe you just got lucky and got good teammates or the other team was just bad.[/quote]

Maybe this, maybe that. Hypothetical crap aside, he's in his rank now and you're in silver. Facts speak for themselves

Reply July 16, 2014 - edited

@LamboRev: You have never see me play league lol. Just because im 'silver' does not mean i dont know how to play the game correctly lol. Maybe you just got lucky and got good teammates or the other team was just bad.

-was talking about my adc KD but ok

Reply July 16, 2014 - edited

[quote=MapleFlow]@LamboRev: Lmao I pretty much knew most of those; welp anyways you cant win if someone on your team goes 1/7[/quote]

You know it but do you do it? I bet half the time you aren't even thinking about these.
Plus I had 2 d/cs for first 5-7 minutes before and my support goes 0-3. I still won the game when the d/cs came back. If you keep thinking that someone going 1/7 at the end of the game and you lost because of that. You should blame yourself for not going 7/1 and stomping.

Reply July 16, 2014 - edited

@LamboRev: Lmao I pretty much knew most of those; welp anyways you cant win if someone on your team goes 1/7

Reply July 16, 2014 - edited

@MapleFlow: Stats don't mean anything if you don't know what to do. I can also just take kills and never die also. You just have to realize times to harass, who to harass, how to freeze lane, and when to go all in. Farming alone in lane doesn't win lane or games just saying. I also can't stand watching how much people just destroy turrets ASAP when they aren't in danger or if there isn't another objective to take. Let the turrets kill most if not all the minions before you kill the turret. This denies EXP and gold to your enemy. Also sometimes slowly destroying turret can deny gold if you know how to harass under turret range safely. Staying ahead is easy if you just remember these few tips. KDA be low 4.5 isn't really good.
@djmaxaaro But its true when you see how much bronzes and silver saying they can do what challengers do. If you can't admit you're bad at something. How will you ever improve?

Reply July 16, 2014 - edited

Promoted to silver 2

Reply July 16, 2014 - edited

[quote=KyShadow]Hit Plat 5 in NA
Diamond 5 in LAN which is where I've spent most of my time until I recently transfered to NA[/quote]
I'm d4 in NA atm and d1 in LAN. I was in my promos to challengers and then had a losing streak...

Reply July 16, 2014 - edited

keep on getting matched up with the worst teams possible, they keep on feeding, i ping, i gank, I do whatever but I can't make up for them and lose. I'm pretty angry rn.

Reply July 16, 2014 - edited

Hit Plat 5 in NA
Diamond 5 in LAN which is where I've spent most of my time until I recently transfered to NA

Reply July 16, 2014 - edited

[quote=LamboRev]Let's just admit that you are bad. In silver and gold you don't even need your support to win the lane with you. You can basically win the lane by yourself.[/quote]
My stats are pretty good. You can even look them up: Yentou
It's just I can't win lane with a support that is afk or either not doing anything

Reply July 15, 2014 - edited

[quote=LamboRev]Let's just admit that you are bad. In silver and gold you don't even need your support to win the lane with you. You can basically win the lane by yourself.[/quote]

wow don't need to be like that. I don't think it's a matter of winning by yourself. In bot it's basically 1v3 if you look at it that way. That's pretty difficult.

Reply July 15, 2014 - edited

[quote=MapleFlow]I'm on my series for silver 2, 1 loss, 1 win. Silver is so bad oh god, like people dont even try or care. I used to main ADC but it is hell playing it in silver when you get like the worst supports ever </3[/quote]

Let's just admit that you are bad. In silver and gold you don't even need your support to win the lane with you. You can basically win the lane by yourself.

Reply July 15, 2014 - edited

[quote=ilikefoodand][url=] I made this for my friend, but I guess it applies to you.[/url][/quote]

Reply July 15, 2014 - edited

[quote=halfway]I hate plat 4-3 and this adc meta where you win lane then have the jungler gank with the mid roam and top tp, boom instant lane phase over while my 0-4 mid lane picks his nose in the river watching in horror and my top lane farms golems l0l. It's my fault I don't just mid, should be doing that if I want to win.[/quote]

[url=] I made this for my friend, but I guess it applies to you.[/url]

Reply July 15, 2014 - edited

I hate plat 4-3 and this adc meta where you win lane then have the jungler gank with the mid roam and top tp, boom instant lane phase over while my 0-4 mid lane picks his nose in the river watching in horror and my top lane farms golems l0l. It's my fault I don't just mid, should be doing that if I want to win.

Reply July 15, 2014 - edited

I'm on my series for silver 2, 1 loss, 1 win. Silver is so bad oh god, like people dont even try or care. I used to main ADC but it is hell playing it in silver when you get like the worst supports ever </3

Reply July 15, 2014 - edited

[quote=RitoPls]Ranked is as much luck as it is skill, assuming you're not ridiculously better than the other nine people with whom your matched. Just play 1000 games and get Diamond. :^)[/quote]

Its not luck but is INCREDIBLY easy. I mean if you win 50% of your games you are going to climb. just 50%. win 1 out of 2 games and play enough games and you are the rank you want to be. People in silver/bronze just dont want to be good at the game.

Reply July 15, 2014 - edited

Just hit gold 2 and I'm on a 7 game win streak. Been in a bit of a slump before this so that's good. Hopefully can keep winning and hit plat.

Reply July 15, 2014 - edited

Ranked is as much luck as it is skill, assuming you're not ridiculously better than the other nine people with whom your matched. Just play 1000 games and get Diamond. :^)

Reply July 15, 2014 - edited