

cool123ter #Chat Talk

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a Halocaust Story It is September 3, 1939. Germany had just attacked Poland just two days ago. Britain had declared war on Germany. My family and the others could not do anything. The sounds on bloodshed, screams of terror and gunshots were agonizing. We could hear people screaming day in and day out. "Please!" "Somebody! Save my baby PLEASE!" *Gunshot* We are forced to live underground. It is agony living off rations of food. I am always hungry. I’m so tired of the aching growl in my stomach. Sometimes we only get one load of bread per day to feed all 10-20 of us! With all three of the families crowded in, it is not even a very fun place to be. If we make and sudden moves, we might be discovered and the Nazi's could y

General Chat

Mistreated in fast food industry I mean I just worked there for the summer and the amount of people that have no respect is absurd. People can't say please and thank you at all even when you say it to them. But the most problems I had were the Asians, they always want to use coupons that we have not what they have and ask me if I can have the coupons and then proceed to ask if I can use the coupon 10 times. (usually parents). When I tell them we don't have XXX, they start giving me attitude and say "wha y u no got". Granted some people are really nice but I mean why can't you just say Thank You and walk away. Its like they think we aren't deserving of respect cause I have a minimum wage job.

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