coolbreeze69 #General Talk


Why do you still play Maplestory I'm just curious as to why you still play the economy in the game is a joke run by hackers and no-life rich kids the only way your considered good at all is if you spend hundreds of dollars IRL to get mesos or to merch all day the graphics really aren't that good and are laughable at best the fame was once fun where u could meet cool peoples and game pqing used to be a way to make friends playing was just for fun and looking at different areas was interesting Now if you aren't grinding to lvl as fast as possible and rich noone wants you in there party You get laughed at for trying to just have fun being called noob all the time Most of the games is run by hackers, rich kids, and merchs they determine ever


The atrocity now known as pvp I got to say Im extermely disappointed in pvp it's EXTREMELY unbalanced people were like Mages are good there and there really not F/P suck there all our DoT skill hits 1 person and have a CD We have no fast effective skills and our low hp gets us killed in a few hits (all mages) The only good classes seem to be warriors because they just never die it's ignorant that they can spam a fast high hitting skill when mages get boned because all our good skills have CD I had my hopes up for pvp to be good for mages but again we get the crap end discriminated by a bunch of noobs I really appreciate the effort you make to not suck as a company

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