

Should I go to war for my country?

I'm not sure if I should go to war for my country... Could anyone provide reasons for and against going to war for my country?

September 12, 2013

4 Comments • Newest first


@teddymars Our military is pretty great imo. Tons and tons of benefits. 100% free health care, tax benefits, pay, the gi bill, money for school, veterans preference for state and federal jobs, everything payed for while you are in (food, rent), serve your country. You also get to pick your job depending on the branch of service you choose. Which means you can pick a career that will help you get a good job as a civilian. You also get respect from almost everyone in our country. (except for annoying hippie activists who are nothing but pansies) Then theres a decent amount more those are just some of the big ones

@keanne actually i have no idea what you are talking about and I doubt you do either. We aren't fighting for our freedom. We fight because we are told to. It is what you sign up for when you join the military. Well depending on your job. Not every one is combat. Although that doesn't mean we aren't ready to die for our freedom and to defend our country. So please get your head of your arse. Our military is 100% voluntary no one joins if they don't want too. The people who fight choose too. Which is pretty great imo cause who wants a military full of a bunch of little female dogs?

Reply September 12, 2013

It depends if you live in the USA or not. If you do live in the USA I do encourage you to join the military. If you do not then no. Biased answer will be biased. I can give you many reasons to join though.

Reply September 12, 2013

If ur fighting the USA, I reccomend u dont... Cause they will probly kill u pretty easily ( no offence intended)... I dont think u need to go to war, unless its a war that will determine ur countries' fate. If a war determined whether my countrymen and women would exist or not I WOULD GO! but if it isnt, then im not willing to kill anyone or be killed by someone that I do not even know
Hope u make a good decision on this

Reply September 12, 2013

You should do it because you feel like doing it for your country. If you are doing it for any other reason then it's for you, not for the country.

Reply September 12, 2013