

crazybass #Chat Talk

General Chat

Is your sunsign aries Is your birthday is anywhere from March 21-April 19? If so, please feel free to answer these questions anyway you like! If your birthday isn't on these dates but still wish to do the survey please feel free to do so! 1. When is your birthday? (optional) 2. How do you get along with other people? (do you prefer to be alone or with a group?) 3. What type of work do you enjoy/prefer working in? 4. Do you like your life to be full of surprises and the unexpected? Or would prefer it to be quite and stable? 5. Country, or City? Why? 6. Do you have your own personal style? How would you describe your style? 7. Do you consider yourself materialistic? 8. Who are more important to you, Family or friends? 9. Would you consider yo

General Chat

What do you think about this people of the basilmarket Walking into a bank is like walking into a store. You are given some products to select from and you buy what ever product fits your needs. The funny thing about banks are that they also sell you money, through credit card companies, The cost of this money is the opportunity to pay them back with interest. If you pay too slowly, you can end up spending more than you initially spent. If you don't pay them, the banks can sell your loan to the collection agency, These collection agencies are granted by the courts legal seizure of your assets to pay for your debt. Your loan is a product, and it is not your property.

General Chat

sometimes I have feels Hello basil markets people, I have a feels today which I want to share with you ya'll. You know when that time when your gf is mad at you and you dont' know why? youre just hanging out and having a good time, enjoying yourself, and then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, shes mad at you! All you were doing is hanging out and having a good time and enjoying yourself then she like YO FOO WHY U DO YOu KNO WAT? and you're like NO i NOT KNOW WHAT, WHY yoU SO MAD AT ME BABY? AND SHES LIKE ALL ANgRY FOR NO REASON! AND YoU'RE LIKE WHAT? AND SHES LIKE LDKJLFKJLJDK, AND YOU'RE LIKE, WAIT, WAIT WAIT, LETS CALM DOWN AND SETTLE THIS LIKE ADULTS OK? AND THEN SHE LKAJFIWOIFWJ? LDKASJFOJ? AND YOU"RE LIKE KLAJDFLKJDFSK? Well, that

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