

Support for Mapleme to include Kms content

As you may know, Bannedstory hasn't updated for about half a year now and Mapleme is just about the only character simulator that updates regularly -- the problem is, Mapleme only includes GMS content!
However, just recently, I have contacted the creators of this service ( [url][/url] ) and there is hope!

If you like being able to see what your character looks like with the newest gear and stuff to prepare for upcoming patches, please send a quick e-mail to the creators (hanae@ without the space) and ask for a service that can take the place of the now content-wise obsolete Bannedstory!
Also, I have tried contacting the Bannedstory developers multiple times, with no response...


July 7, 2013

1 Comment • Newest first


I don't think we should bombard them with emails. I suggest making a petition where people can post, then one person emails it to the developer. That way they don't have to respond to every mass of email.

I'm not that bothered that it doesn't have KMS content, MapleMe is up to date on our things, and I'd rather have on-time GMS content than slow GMS+KMS. Then again I'm just the type that doesn't like to bother people with overloads of work haha. I don't know how their team is like and if it'd be no trouble for them then it'd be cool. But by the looks of it it looks hard enough to keep up with GMS.

Reply July 7, 2013