

cyaniede #Bishop Talk

General Bishop

Im working on a Bishop, but dont know what to do? Right now, I have a Cleric that's level 50, and I should be able to get it to 60 no problem. But I still have a few questions about my skills as a cleric, and some other things that require clarifications on. First off, I've maxed most things on my skill list right now, save Heal, MP eater and Holy Arrow. I feel that I could probably max everything in second job, but I'm not too sure. Should I be putting more points into Holy Arrow right now to maximize damage and cap it somewhere, or should I focus more on Heal and MP eater? Also, it looks like the only guide to Bishops is a bit outdated, so do most of those tips still apply? I've heard that Bishops are weak, and I'm feeling it a bit right

General Bishop

Im working on a Bishop, but dont know what to do? Right now, I have a Cleric that's level 50, and I should be able to get it to 60 no problem. But I still have a few questions about my skills as a cleric, and some other things that require clarifications on. First off, I've maxed most things on my skill list right now, save Heal, MP eater and Holy Arrow. I feel that I could probably max everything in second job, but I'm not too sure. Should I be putting more points into Holy Arrow right now to maximize damage and cap it somewhere, or should I focus more on Heal and MP eater? Also, it looks like the only guide to Bishops is a bit outdated, so do most of those tips still apply? I've heard that Bishops are weak, and I'm feeling it a bit right