dabronxenigma #Shade Talk

General Shade

Buccaneer vs Eunwol Im wondering how they can create a skill like spirit claw that hits 3 targets, with a % of 350 with same amount of lines as octopunch, yet octo is 1 target. So far this is looking like when mercedes was released with ishtars and bowmasters were like whyyyyy? or when movable hurricane " wild arrow blast" first showed up. Buccaneer has like 11 buffs, eunwol has none( i dont consider the hyper even a buff and the passive is automatic) Buccaneer has typhoon crush but avoiding pdr is seeming less and less effective these days. Eunwol can clone the boss and attack both at once as well as AOE bind. Eunwol can move vertically, pull mobs from another platform as well as cancel a skill mid-skill and move backwards a set