dagayeskimo #Chat Talk

General Chat

So guys, am I a sick person? Ok so, today my girlfriend broke up with me. Her sister asks for the stuff that she gave me back. I gladly hand them back to her, then I remember I gave her stuff too. I ask for them back kindly, then she says that they were gifts and she wouldn't give them back. This made me mad, so I waited for her to get off my girlfriend's account then I logged on and jacked the stuff I gave back. I also took more things, 15 att wgs, 2 abrs, etc (I know they're probably nubby to you all but meh, one man's trash another man's treasure <3 ) Anyways, I took the stuff back and some extra stuff, and I sick person? I'm just making this thread for teh lulz, i wanna know people's opinions. Edit: Sorry guys i forgot to say this wa