dagayeskimo #Darkknight Talk

General Darkknight

Damage help please f4 It's one of these threads again.... :( ... 38 att vss 129 att 6% dmg 3% str 15% pdr spear 17/15/15/15 scar help bad pot 3% str 8+str overall 5/5/5/5 1att medal 6% earrings 5/5/5/5 2 att shoulder 4%str belt 6 att 3% all stat gloves 3% pendant 1/1/1/1 1 att ring 4/4/4/4 3 att ring 3/3/3/3 1 att ring 3/3/3/3 3 att ring 3%str cape Please help I have a range of 17726 - 19695 at lvl 161 and i hit like 79-86 crits per line of darkimpale. :~( I always feel so noob at LHC too, everyone out damages me. :| All I ask for is a cheap way to boost my range noticeably. :~( If there's no cheap way to do this, should I just quite my drk and just play my Aran that already hits 70k+ with triple swing at lvl 110? :~( :~( :~( Thanks everyon