

Just Leveled up to 170 and got the new Hyper Skill

Hey everyone!
So i just leveled up to 170 and got the new hyper skill.
my min crit dmg went up from 50% to 90% and max crit all the way to 105%.
Is there any smart way to use it without consuming so much energy and have a lot of those energy-less moments?

Thanks in advance

May 20, 2015

7 Comments • Newest first


Stack as soon as possible. After that, only use it when you're just about to lose charged mode.

Reply May 23, 2015

A little trick that I use is: use power unity right when your super saiyan energy is about to run out (when the pink is only a sliver at the bottom of the energy bar/circle). Usually, power unity takes up a good 1cm of meter, but you can actually still use it even when you have basically no energy left in the tank. By doing this, you can top up on unity stacks and it won't cost you much.

Reply May 22, 2015

Thanks everyone for the comments! will use it wisely

Reply May 22, 2015 - edited

[quote=Belzier]IEdit: Actually, you probably end up wasting a bunch of the regen you COULD have had if you don't use Power Unity with Stimulating Conversation, since there is a cap to how much energy you can have and the regen intervals are relatively short.[/quote]

If you're not mobbing then you DEFINITELY burn enough Energy to regenerate fast enough with Octopunch(And if you're bossing the regeneration is pretty much useless due to, well, the huge amount you get for each hit against a boss mob). With Buccaneer Blast it depends on how frequently you're mobbing with it, but you should be regenerating properly if you don't one-shot, and even if you do you'd generally not waste too much Energy due to relatively low map spawns(If you spammed Power Unity you probably couldn't regenerate fast enough to support it).

Reply May 21, 2015 - edited

If you don't need to save Stimulating Conversation for after those silly deaths during bosses, then you can use Power Unity together with it. The energy regen Stimulating Conversation gives is enough to keep your energy at max, or keep it reasonably high if you're using a green MPE potion.

Edit: Actually, you probably end up wasting a bunch of the regen you COULD have had if you don't use Power Unity with Stimulating Conversation, since there is a cap to how much energy you can have and the regen intervals are relatively short.

A little trick most people figure out is that you can still use Power Unity even if you don't have 1500 energy left but are still in a charged state, so almost always use it just before your energy is about to run out.

Other than that, just make sure to keep the stacks up at 4 for that awesome critical damage boost.

Reply May 21, 2015 - edited

Get four buffs since that's the maximum amount of times it stacks at the moment(In the future use it however many times you need to in order to hit the cap), then ignore it until it's about to expire or your Energy is about to decay, then re-cast it. It shouldn't be an issue during bossing and while training you just need to manage it properly by remembering to cast it before your Energy or its duration expires. If need be you can use Overcharge to save yourself from losing the buff, although it's more efficient to get used to it and use Overcharge for when it helps you one shot things rather than for when you slip up.

The worst thing you can do is spam it. That leaves you empty a lot of the time, so only spam it until you hit the stack cap; arguably, you can spam it at bosses since your Energy gain will be so high, but don't do so while training. In some cases(Commerci, for example) you might have issues staying charged or keeping your buffs up, and that's normal, but at most mobbing locations you should be fine to do so without too much effort.

Reply May 20, 2015 - edited

For me personally, I use it only to get the 4 stacked buff on it. After that, I use other skills until I see the buff running out and use it again to refresh. If I really need my energy recharged, I use my 150 hyper skill, or dragon strike / octopunch to charge up quickly.

Reply May 20, 2015 - edited