

Stats Vs Att

Hey guys i've got a question for u...
What's better +30 stats or +7 att?

Thanks in advance.

July 1, 2014

10 Comments • Newest first


@Axnslicer: Uhhuh combining 2 different sources into one, and you say I don't understand math? How is anyone suppose to make that connection if you actually followed the laws of math? But okay % stat makes a small difference when comparing stat vs attack fine.

Reply July 1, 2014

[quote=Axnslicer]Sigh, too many people who can't do math and think they know what they're talking about.

The damage formula is

Coefficient1 * (% stat * Primary Stat* 4+% stat*SecondaryStat)* ATT/100 = damage

By the distributive property, you can pull % stat out of the parenthesis and make it a single term.

Therefore, % stat is separated from ATT and Stat, and can be merged into the coefficient factor., which we can now call Coefficient2

Coefficient2 * (Primary Stat* 4+SecondaryStat)* ATT/100 = damage

Thus % stat has no influence on ATT and Stat balance, it's basically multiplied directly into your damage.[/quote]

Woah, this guy is cray cray
At least someone out there knows what he's doin'

Reply July 1, 2014

[quote=Rokani]@Axnslicer: What? Yea I don't get what you're getting at.[/quote]

Sigh, too many people who can't do math and think they know what they're talking about.

The damage formula is

Coefficient1 * (% stat * Primary Stat* 4+% stat*SecondaryStat)* ATT/100 = damage

By the distributive property, you can pull % stat out of the parenthesis and make it a single term.

Therefore, % stat is separated from ATT and Stat, and can be merged into the coefficient factor., which we can now call Coefficient2

Coefficient2 * (Primary Stat* 4+SecondaryStat)* ATT/100 = damage

Thus % stat has virtually no influence on ATT and Stat balance, it's basically multiplied directly into your damage.

There is the case where your % main and % secondary stat aren't equal, but generally % secondary is so relatively small that it's fine to just absorb it into the primary % stat.

Reply July 1, 2014 - edited

@Axnslicer: What? Yea I don't get what you're getting at.

Reply July 1, 2014 - edited

[quote=Rokani]@Axnslicer: % stat makes all the difference, that and your ratio of attack to stat. If you have % stat then that 30 can become 31-120 which would greatly outweigh that 7 attack. Then you also have % attack.

Anyways @OP I would advise you to take your stats and attack and put them in the attack range formula to find which is better as we can't really say what would be good for you unless we knew your % stat, stats, attack, and % attack.[/quote]

Congratulations, you failed elementary school math. Look up the distributive property if you still don't get it.

Reply July 1, 2014 - edited

@Axnslicer: % stat makes all the difference, that and your ratio of attack to stat. If you have % stat then that 30 can become 31-120 which would greatly outweigh that 7 attack. Then you also have % attack.

Anyways @OP I would advise you to take your stats and attack and put them in the attack range formula to find which is better as we can't really say what would be good for you unless we knew your % stat, stats, attack, and % attack.

Reply July 1, 2014 - edited

[quote=Rokani]Is that 30 all stat? In my case the 30 all stat would be better, due to low in STR and having 100%+ str and some dex.[/quote]

% stat has virtually nothing at all to do with whether 30 all stat or 7 att is better for someone. For unfunded people the answer to this question is 7 att simply because they get 1000+ free main stat just for being 200. Funded people with high star tyrants on the other hand have a ton of +att, so they would probably benefit more from 30 all stat.

Reply July 1, 2014 - edited

Is that 30 all stat? In my case the 30 all stat would be better, due to low in STR and having 100%+ str and some dex.

Reply July 1, 2014 - edited

Many funded people have tested stats and have also tested when they've passed the threshold between atk and all stats based on their tyrant enhancements and their bonus cubing/nebulite attachments. Excuse me if I am making the wrong assumption, but I would say... making assumptions based on your character avatar and based on your question, 7 attack is better for you.

The bottom line is, the answer varies. Most people benefit more from 7 atk simply because most people are not "godly."

That being said, 7 atk and 30 all stats should give you almost an equal range boost anyways so..

Reply July 1, 2014 - edited

Different for everyone, since it depends on your current stats/attack/etc..

Reply July 1, 2014 - edited