

Warriors Level 1-30

Hello to all those who are eagerly waiting for BB (Big Bang). I thought I would make this thread to help inform or better inform some of those who want to create a warrior of some sort after Big Bang. I was invited to Tespia to test it and will leave my experience here. This is for warriors lvl 1-30 (swordsman). In the beginning you will create a warrior the same as always and start on Maple Island. You can then level up and move on to Victoria Island. Once here at level 10 you can go to Dances with Balrog and become a swordsman at level 10. As far as ap distribution I went pure str or dexless as many call it and reached level 30. Skill wise there are 4 skills being Power Strike, Slash Blast, Iron Body, and HP Boost. Yay for endure being removed as it was useless >.>. You cannot max all of these as they all require 20sp to max (except Hp Boost it being 10sp) The Build I took goes as follows

Max Hp Boost
Max Power Strike
Max Iron Body
11 Slash Blast

When maxed the skills are as follows:
-Hp boost increases your hp by 20%
-Power Strike is 260% damage to 1 monster
-Slash Blast is 180% to 6 monsters (Use to be 130%)
-Iron Body is Weapon Def + 200 for 300 seconds (Use to be +40 wep def if I am not mistaken)

The Reason for my build is for the extra defense and because shockwave (300% damage to 3 monsters) can truly replace slash blast. A seperate build could be the same but with only 11 into iron body and max slash blast.

Finally at the job advancement I had to gather 30 dark marble to pass the test. The monsters in the advancement are lvl 31 and you are lvl 30 so as far as accuracy problems it follows the new acc system which in my case would be 31-30=1x5=5% miss rate. I completed the advancement using a lvl 25 broadsword with no armor except the default noob white shirt, short blue jeans, and blue rubber boots. I would have to say the monsters did about 63-78 touch damage to me with iron body maxed and with the noob armors. I may test it again to see what they did without iron body to see how useful or useless it really was to max it.

Last but not least at level 30 before the job advancement I had 2109hp and 213mp. No hp or mp washing.

If you have any questions leave them here and I will try to answer them. I will next try to make a thread about the 3rd job advancement. Well hope thise helped someone out there and if you are wondering what 2nd job warrior I chose it was a Fighter =p

November 17, 2010

3 Comments • Newest first


Endure is glitched lol I have like 3 levels of it and atm I heal (while sitting on a chair) every 5 seconds. Is shockwave really worth getting? Ah well...

Reply November 17, 2010

The large amount of Hp is now due to the new hp boost skill as it increases your hp by 20%. Increasing max hp skill has been removed from the game and the rate it increased your hp at per lvl I do not know.

As far as missing in the advancement I missed 5% of the time the rest were all hits. Before the advancement I did not miss much unless trying to fight somethin far above my level. The new acc system is something that people will need to get used to a bit but its not bad. With new acc system making a dexless warrior will become even easier with a little patience.

Reply November 17, 2010

nice guide i will be looking forward to the next one i was wondering wat job you became? (fighter,page,spearman)

Reply November 17, 2010