daringwaffle #Mage Talk

General Mage

Mages arent cheap to fund Hey i just wanted to point out a fact that apparently a LOT of people have missed about mage classes.. Everyone just assumes mages are ridiculously cheap to fund, because %int gear is really cheap. Well you are wrong. Mages are probably one of the more expensive classes to fund legitamitely(as in not with the 40k hacked ele staffs) Think about it, sure %int is cheap to buy, but how often do you find decent mage gear? Im talking 20 m atk shield with like 12%int+ and %int eqps? Mages are pretty much forced to cube and scroll all their own stuff, because of the rarity of it. Im not trying to QQ or whine or anything, obviously its my own choice if i want to fund a mage, so i must accept the cost. It just bothers me whe