darkflashy510 #Nightlord Talk

General Nightlord

Low Dex Assassin Funding So, im going to get 100k nx, and sell some of my stuff to get money, but i dont know how to get money from nx, i know its dumb but seriously i dont like mtsing cuz i heard about the glitches and stuff, and they dont have some stuff that i need in mts. I want to upgrade my Pac, Sauna robe, and get FS. My list of upgrading. 2 ATT+ PAC ( Some dex or luk around 3-6) Any robe (M) (20 dex+) Facestompers (2att+ some dex 3-6) do you guys think i can get them with 100k nx? if so can you give me tips about how to merch if not i can sell my 16 dex robe and my 12 str 2 att pac. Or if you guys have any other items to upgrade or get please tell me thanks :D

General Nightlord

Are theses enough for 100k NX? im going to get 140 dex cap for a red craven im wondering if theses equips are enough for 100k nx, i might get a bit more if i must. Deputy star 5 dex or more 20 Dex Sauna Robe or more 10 dex black snow shoes or more 13 dex earrings or more 6 dex pac or more the dex earrings are 6 dex potential and they are clean so im gonna buy scrolls to upgrade them to 13 or more the dep star i can get easily but the rest i dont know, and the other one dex is from veteran badge i have 85 dex with my zhelm on, so are theses equip enough for 100k nx or its over 100k nx, thanks.