

what do software engineers do?

i think i want to major in computer science and become a software engineer but i'm not sure exactly what they do. what i want to do is help design cool things/products like iphones or video games, or services like gmail. it doesn't have to be specifically that but technology in general. is that what i'll be doing if i become a software engineer?

February 9, 2014

5 Comments • Newest first


-engineer software
-look down on people who aren't engineers

Reply February 9, 2014

Yea...become a CS major, it's pretty versatile.
Have fun with the OS and functional programming courses.

Reply February 9, 2014

o and a tip for you - if you want software and only software, major in CS. "Software Engineering" is way more CS-oriented than Engineering oriented, (which is kind of confusing )

There's a lot you can do with software, though. Software streams are a lot tougher than the rest of CS, (but obviously it leads to more opportunities)

Reply February 9, 2014

some are in bpm implementation, developing and/or management
others are dba admins
some get into web services
web designers are in the mix as well

the possibilities are almost endless

Reply February 9, 2014 - edited

Pretty much. It really depends on what part of software engineering you enjoy. For example there is artificial intelligence (used in video games, robotics and other areas) along with other things like game development or even things like web sites, databases ect. It is also different working for a corporation and being self-employed.

Reply February 9, 2014 - edited