
How hard is it to make SE gloves?

I'm wondering how hard it is to get se gloves + % int on a reverse hermosa. If anybody had experience please post it because I plan on going on a 100 cube run soon/someday lol.

April 8, 2011

6 Comments • Newest first


got mine in 13 cubes stats 9% hp and SE

Reply April 8, 2011

[quote=yoyoyo510]took me 25 cubes to get to unique, another 3 to get SE + 6% all stats[/quote]

woah pretty beast. You must have extreme luck haha. Well, I'm going to try and at least get it to unique. Hopefully I can get a 3-lined hermosa without spending too much money....well thanks guys

Reply April 8, 2011

took me 25 cubes to get to unique, another 3 to get SE + 6% all stats

Reply April 8, 2011

hmm i plan on getting a 3 lined hermosa and cube it from rare so itll be pretty unlikely right?

Reply April 8, 2011

Purely depends on how high you want the % to be on top of Sharp Eyes
if your gloves are already unique you should be able to do it with 100 cubes
if they're not then it could be possible with 100, but probably not

Reply April 8, 2011