
Level 110 Training Alternatives to Lhc?

So I hit 110 on my Luminous, and I'm stuck.

I can't find an LHC party, and everywhere else I've tried is stupid slow.

Any suggestions as to where I should level now? (Besides LHC.) =/

December 12, 2012

6 Comments • Newest first


I've tried. =/ Every time I go to Ch1, I either can't find anyone to invite me, or when I make my own party and invite people they'll leave because:

1. Can't find HS
2. They get impatient.


Reply December 12, 2012

Why cant you get a party? Go to channel 1 crocky its not that hard. Usually there are a bunch of people wanting to join. If no one adds you, make yourself leader and invite them lol. 6 luminous are insane with reflections flying all over the place

Reply December 12, 2012

[quote=Mystelteinn]If it feels slow, then it probably shouldn't ''be faster than that at this level''.

LHC beats any other places hands down. The experience just doesn't compare. Even with an unglitched map, with no HS and a slow killing party, it's still much better than anywhere else.[/quote]Yes, it should me. Because I'm not training at LHC. Rofl.

And I'm aware LHC is the fastest for my level. But it's kind of hard to train there when you can't get a party. Thus, why I was asking for alternatives. Derp.

Reply December 12, 2012

[quote=darkwolfgod]Nah, they aren't. I'm used to grinding out higher levels. I just know training should be faster than that at this level. xD[/quote]

If it feels slow, then it probably shouldn't ''be faster than that at this level''.

LHC beats any other places hands down. The experience just doesn't compare. Even with an unglitched map, with no HS and a slow killing party, it's still much better than anywhere else.

Reply December 12, 2012

Nah, they aren't. I'm used to grinding out higher levels. I just know training should be faster than that at this level. xD

Reply December 12, 2012

Might try the Vikings..Aliens got super slow. xD

Reply December 12, 2012