

Does looks matter?

In your opinion does looks matter when it comes to relationships?

December 7, 2014

16 Comments • Newest first


Yes, they definitely do. It's not a complete dealbreaker if you're really successful, have a great personality or some other really positive trait but when it comes to it, looks definitely help a lot.

Reply December 9, 2014

Looks and personality are two different things guys.

Reply December 9, 2014

Yes, but personality way above looks.

Reply December 7, 2014

I would say yes. Back in school I had a friend who had a crush on me. He was very nice and funny but just not pretty/attractive in my eyes, so I didn't want to date him. I guess I'm shallow o.o

Reply December 7, 2014

Not if one of them is blind. If they aren't blind, OBVIOUSLY.
Looks are the first things you can go off of when you see probably only make an effort to talk to strangers who look approachable.

Reply December 7, 2014

The better question is, why would looks NOT matter? That doesn't make sense to me at all. This kinda question shouldn't even be asked.

It's really hard for me to truly fall in love these days, unless if this girl happens to have the ideal personality, which is derpy, appear to not care about anything and doesn't have much problems in life, and very youthful but not unorthodox. Or girls that have bad luck, act awkwardly, and trips over things all the time. I'm strangely attracted to girls like that. I used to like any girls that are pretty. But now things are kinda different. I have a sentiment for mean girls. I like girls that I can have a good laugh at. Someone who's quirky. Quirky girls are extremely cute and lovable. I guess I'm a sadist in a way.

Reply December 7, 2014

Looks matter to some extent. I don't think it's really looks though....more like attractiveness. Cause someone that's hot is still gonna be hot even if they have a crappy personality, but doesn't make them attractive to some people. Idk how to explain it, I'm confusing myself lol. Obviously personality is what makes someone attractive though.

Reply December 7, 2014

Depends. I feel like people work with looks in either yes or no. Once you filled the minimul requirement to having "decent" looks, people just stop caring about that aspect. Everything else is just pure personality and some amount of social status. Anyone would choose an attractice jerk over an ugly nice person, but a decent looking person with personality is better than a really good looking person that is a jerk.

Reply December 7, 2014

In a way, they do.

I may not find someone physically attractive at first, but if they have an attractive personality then over time
they strangely appear physically attractive to me as well. For example, I thought my ex boyfriend's looks were
pretty under-average the first few months I knew him. He was very nice and overall seemed to be a great person
(I later found out that he had feelings for me which explained his abnormal kindness), and I eventually fell for him
and we dated for a couple of months. Throughout our relationship I thought he was the most attractive person ever -
looks and personality-wise. Once I found out how crappy he really was, he went right back to being ugly in my eyes.
They say you see with your mind, not your eyes.

Reply December 7, 2014

Yes because if she's not my type then I can't be affectionate towards her. I don't want her to feel like a burden. That's a really awful thing to do. She deserves someone that would appreciate her better than me.

If you're __that__ ugly then do something about it. Don't let that get to you. That's not how it works in 2014.

Reply December 7, 2014 - edited

It's all about what's on the inside.

Reply December 7, 2014 - edited


Reply December 7, 2014 - edited

It is important to be able to feel physically attracted to your significant other. As long as YOU think that the person looks good then you will be happy.

Reply December 7, 2014 - edited

to a certain extent yes

i have dated someone i didn't think was that good looking, but once i got to know her she became 10x more beautiful for some reason

Reply December 7, 2014 - edited

[quote=0kevqn]100% and anyone who says otherwise is lying or ugly[/quote]


Reply December 7, 2014 - edited

100% and anyone who says otherwise is lying or ugly

Reply December 7, 2014 - edited