

Should I buy swee water staff or faf staff/wand


I want to buy a staff for end game, but I can't decide whether to buy swee water or faf ones? I heard that faf equips price is already dropping, nd that chaos RA is gona get killed soon. Should I wait till chaos RA come out or just buy faf staff/wand for end game?

January 20, 2014

3 Comments • Newest first


depends if you can afford it if you can go RA + Tyrants + Sup. Gollux. if not so Sweet H2O

Reply January 20, 2014

Root abyss equips already drop from chaos root abyss bosses.

Get fafnir if ur going all out godly (fafnir+tyrant+superior gollux). Otherwise go for sweet water.

Reply January 20, 2014

Root abyss equips drop from cRA, and have been much more plentiful recently. Fafnir weapons are part of the root abyss set. Sweet H2O weapons have slightly higher base stats as far as I know, but become untradable after equipping, as opposed to fafnir equips which can still be traded with a psok. If you have the money to buy tyrants, I'd recommend going down the root abyss set + tyrants route.

Reply January 20, 2014