

F/p doesnt do consistent dmg

I have a F/P, whose range is around 100k. Most of the time, I do 200k-250k dmg with some crits of 350k-550k. My crit rate is 35%, how can I increase my crit rate to 100% so I could hit 400k-500k crits consistently?

February 2, 2014

3 Comments • Newest first


30% crit legendary inner ability works nice for my pally. was expensive though.

Reply February 4, 2014

Base: 5%
Arcane Overdrive: 30%
Phantom link skill, lv2: 15%
Beast Tamer Ring - 15%
Beast Tamer link, lv2 - 7%
Marksman card - 3-5% (I think it's 4 at 100)

From there it's Decent Sharp Eyes and Inner Abilities.

Reply February 2, 2014

Base - 5%
Phantom 120 - 20%
Decent SE - 30%
Pivotal ring - 45%
Beast tamer 120 - 52%
Assuming F/P gets regular 20% crit - 72%

I'm missing a lot, but it's probably cause I can't think of anything else. If anyone would like to add on that'd be nice.

Reply February 2, 2014