
Which class is more Fun?

Hey guys
Which class do you recommend I main now? I got tired of zero flying around lol
I've been looking into shade, luminous, or xenon, will they be decent with ~20-25b funding?

Although I want a class that's fun, obviously I want one thats a good bosser and decent lever (since I do want to do gollux, maybe even hard mode one day and a slow leveler is just tedious to me lol)

August 29, 2014

4 Comments • Newest first


[quote=tonyroxhehe]@dbswjddn: yes you can definitely reach 100k on any class with that funding. Probably even 150k. I really don't think I can pick a better class for you. Both xenon and shade are great classes. It really depends on personal preference. But keep in mind % allstat for xenon is more expensive.[/quote]

wow 150k! that would be with the route im choosing to take of tyrant belt/cloak/boots, ~8b wep, clean ra/gollux?
Thanks for the advice! few last questions if u dont mind, does %luk affect %str for xenon differently? or does it really matter at my funding? I ask if it matters since with ~20b I can only buy the clean versions of ^those equips (except the wep ofc) ... and how is xenon at survivability? I'm hoping they wont have me guzzling pots like my NL did.. lol

Reply August 29, 2014 - edited

[quote=tonyroxhehe]All three classes are good levelers except lumi would be a bit easier.
Xenon and Shade are both good bossers.
Lumi's are bad with 1v1 bosses, but great with gollux.[/quote]

between xenon and shade, who do you think excels with ~20b funds?
Assuming i spend ~8b on wep, and 12b on tyrant cloak/belt/boots +clean RA+gollux? (that seems to be best approach with 20b?)

ie. can i expect 100k range on either or?

Reply August 29, 2014 - edited

[quote=Mrtommo249]Luminous is a pretty fast leveler and can have giant damage. Shade is a great bosser but is ehh at leveling and kinda gets boring at times. Xenon has giant damage as well and is pretty easy to train its also pretty fun.[/quote]

oo xenon's catching my attention lol. are they any good at bossing tho? The main attack seems pretty slow

Reply August 29, 2014 - edited

Luminous is a pretty fast leveler and can have giant damage. Shade is a great bosser but is ehh at leveling and kinda gets boring at times. Xenon has giant damage as well and is pretty easy to train its also pretty fun.

Reply August 29, 2014 - edited