
Fastest way from Lvl. 55 to Lvl. 60?

I know this should be simple, and I myself have done it a bunch of times, but I still can find the fastest way to do it. What's the quickest way to level up from Lvl. 55 to Lv. 60? I've done the Rien Theme Dungeon and the Ludi PQ so far, but they don't seem to give a lot of EXP.

Also, I believe that there was a "free level" stage in Tot's tutorials that get's you to Lvl. 61, but I can never remember what level it starts at.

May 15, 2014

4 Comments • Newest first


Usually go to Magatia and do the Iron Mutae's on the long horizontal map, that has platforms you can attack from. Granted its slow going but its easy for just 4 Levels. Use Tot's level up on 59 to get to 60.

Reply May 15, 2014

ludi pq is the fastest way of all

Reply May 15, 2014

i think robos are pretty good

Reply May 15, 2014

58-60 is auto leveling, 60-61 is basically autoleveling after 2 mins of quests

OT: Sand rats and scorps if youre not some terrible class or youre not extremely unfunded (level 30 equips still)
If you are unfunded, just do ludi pq. You get 1 level per 1-2 pqs

Reply May 15, 2014