

P/C Epic Reverse Blindness

Stats are: DEX +2, ATK +87. 7 slots left.
Potential: 3 Lines, Epic, DEX 6%, Ignore 15% of target's Physical/magic ATT (is this supposed to be DEF?) when attacking, M.ATK +12.

This is for Windia. Also, should I cube or not? I'm thinking no, unless it gets to unique in less than 4 cubes.

April 27, 2011

4 Comments • Newest first


[quote=Sinovation]No. -.-
Nexon made a mistake. So It's the opposite.[/quote]

Yes, ignoring atk doesn't exist. Same typo in battleship's M.ATK instead of DEF.

Reply April 27, 2011

[quote=TxTidus2xT]What do you mean the physical magic atk was supposed to be def?

So if a weapon gets ignore physical and magical atk % it's actually ignore def? O_O[/quote]

The initial thing it says is "Ignore 15% or target's Physical/magic ATT WHEN ATTACKING" which would mean while your attacking, and your target is attacking you, you take less damage. Ignoring DEF means when you attacking, you do more damage to them.

Reply April 27, 2011

[quote=iamnomage]dont cube it plz dont thats really good stats because of the dex % and the physical magic the att was suppose to be def so do not cube it[/quote]

What do you mean the physical magic atk was supposed to be def?

So if a weapon gets ignore physical and magical atk % it's actually ignore def? O_O

Reply April 27, 2011

[quote=iamnomage]dont cube it plz dont thats really good stats because of the dex % and the physical magic the att was suppose to be def so do not cube it[/quote]

Do you know a price? And, yeah, I'm probs not gonna cube.

Reply April 27, 2011