

dee14 #Firepoisonarchmage Talk

General Firepoisonarchmage

To all the FPs out there Just recently changed my Ice Lightning into a Fire Poison seeing a lot of my friends wanted to see me as a FP. I'm pretty funded if that even matters? Neither do i have any idea as to how to stack DoTs. I feel its a complicating class to play i like the challenge though, so if anyone could direct me as to how I should set up DoTs at certain bosses would be perfect or even videos would be nice. Side note to those few or many F/P mages that are capable of solo'ing pretty much hell gollux/empress/CRA (Dojo included) how much range/boss/pdr do i need to successfully solo these bosses because ATM i have about 1.2m self buffed with 237% boss ad 155% pdr