

Decided to remove the blade effect and add my shadow, I liked the effect too much with the background otherwise I'd make it more maple looking. XD

April 5, 2013

2 Comments • Newest first


@Doutei Hmmm... Yeah it does a bit, I thought it looked sort of cool, but I used the effect "difference" so thats why it turned out like that. I'm honestly thinking of redoing it, it was going to be a plain see through black shadow, and I just kind of did random brushes with the background since I didn't know what to do.

Reply April 6, 2013

teh background and the shadow clash with each other tooooooooooooo much where the blacks start to blend ind and out.
Also the lines for it just gives off a naseating feel [espeically with the green hues for a fill.]

Reply April 6, 2013