

Csgo Smurfs

For those who play csgo...

The latest exp system makes my friends who aren't level 3 already quit/waste 50 hours getting to level 3 without comp and doesn't fix the billion existing smurfs.

Dust2 I swear has a smurf or two every comp I play. I don't even care about rank anymore but I lost DMG thrice and am on a losing streak on mge. Sure I must have played worse on average since getting netflix my family makes me ping spike to 300 when they use it, but in my last game for example I had a 3 man premade with a 10 hour and two 30 hour accounts who just wnated to deag and ninja every round and I was against a premade of at least 2 with 40 and 60 hours of gameplay who were on massive tryhard/wallhack mode, prefiring smoke and hsing and just idk, boosting or wrecking for fun.

Like wow some former like what, mg1s who suddenly got to eagle after the vac wave decided hey I am eagle I must be some sort of cs master who can deag only and rek dmgs and mges. I remember the day of the supossed vac waves and it was april 1st when the awp nerf came in I was silver elite master and I ranked up to dmg in 1 and a half months, that must say something. Everyone thinks they're good suddenly and have an excuse to smurf.

June 17, 2015

8 Comments • Newest first


avoid CS:GO when its on sale. nowadays there are more pro players in silver then Lem

Reply June 18, 2015

When i saw that csgo was on sale i took off the popular maps and invested into operation bloodhound and started playing new maps. I have ran into a smurf here and there but it's not as bad.

Reply June 17, 2015

I just miss Sudden Attack. anyone who knows SA, holla.

Csgo isn't all that bad, but it's nothing compared to SA before all these people started hacking

Reply June 17, 2015

[quote=iHartz]private 3 takes like 10 hours... my LEM friend got it in that time frame and hopped right into competitive[/quote]

Yeah, lem, casual and dm exp is heavily based on score, it took 10 hours. What about my silver and low novs friends? Also 10 seems like too much already for me, I can't even stay in a full casual game without leaving. In fact, other than the recent bloodhound mission, I never played a whole casual game in my 650 hours in cs.

Reply June 17, 2015

private 3 takes like 10 hours... my LEM friend got it in that time frame and hopped right into competitive

Reply June 17, 2015

[quote=okaythen]It feels that way because of the steam sales right now.
Wait until after and it should die down a little.

As for the exp system, I have mixed feelings.[/quote]

It encourages good behavior and people to play entire games without giving up or abandoning, and it should make it much harder for new smurfs to be created, butnI doubt many people who want to abandon a match would care about the small exp. I also feel like the pain of going through casual, dm and arms race with the little exp gained per match to get to level 3 is shared not only among smurfs but with existing players who happen to not be level 3 or new players who can't play the main game mode for a very very long time.

Reply June 17, 2015

I guess I'm the lucky one, all my matches had no smurfs and I'm MG2 o.o

Reply June 17, 2015

It feels that way because of the steam sales right now.
Wait until after and it should die down a little.

As for the exp system, I have mixed feelings.

Reply June 17, 2015