

Please someone help me with this problem

I have Windows Vista on a laptop, and I can download Maple Story and run it smoothly all through the log in and putting the pin until just before entering the game (defining game as the moment you can move your character around). The moment I enter the game, it starts this massive lag and I have to end up closing the game.

It's not the Internet (I can run maple story perfectly in other computers in the house), I really don't think it's the windows vista (usually it shouldn't start at all if it were so); mostly I believe it's the computer. The computer runs really fast for everything else (browser, whatever) and I have no antivirus or firewall blocking maple story.

I already tried lowering screen quality but that didn't work. Any other suggestion?

January 1, 2011

1 Comment • Newest first


i have the same problem, but mine only occurs at night for some reason

Reply January 1, 2011