

dizzo2 #General Talk


Youre now stuck at the spot your Ms character is standing You (not your character) are send to the exact spot your main character is standing right now. How messed up are you right now? [b]No superpowers[/b] [b]The only equips you're wearing is what you're wearing right now[/b] [b]The only skills you have, are the skills you know right now[/b] I'm in Henesys, this isn't bad at all. Although, I might want to get used to being around mushroom houses. I'm not too afraid of the monsters either, I mean, slimes, snails and walking mushrooms? This is ridiculous.


Africa should get its very own MapleStory Before you mention that it's impossible because 'they don't have Internet'. That's very wrong. I can imagine 60% of the users being South Africans and the 40% consisting of Moroccans, Nigerians, Algerians etc. Just like EMS, it'll be multilingual. The major languages would be English and Arabic. The headquarters would likely be located in South Africa as it is the most developed country in whole Africa. Now please explain to me why you think they don't deserve their own version. In addition, there are a significant amount of South Africans playing Battlefield.


Did the legendary Fangblade just gave up on the battle? I just checked the rankings out for the first time since the 250-update and it's unfortunate to see the new top list. Our Fangblade, the all time favorite after Tiger, got his spot taken. I see that he hasn't leveled up since the update so I'm going to assume that he has given up. It's too bad. The current number one is just a bunch of random letters you get by smashing your head on a keyboard, nothing memorable. At least Tiger and Fangblade were somewhat creative with picking their names.


In case we do get 5th jobs What would we name them because job titles such as hero, cannon master or bow master can't possibly go higher, can they? [i]mas·ter[/i] [i]/ˈmastər/[/i] [i]Noun[/i] [i]A man who has people working for him, esp. servants or slaves.[/i] [i]A ship or boat with a specified number of masts: "a three-master".[/i] [i]Adjective[/i] [i]Having or showing very great skill or proficiency.[/i] [i]Verb[/i] [i]Acquire [b]complete[/b] knowledge or skill in (an accomplishment, technique, or art).[/i] [i]Synonyms[/i] [i]noun. lord - boss - teacher - owner - maestro[/i] [i]adjective. main - principal - chief - leading - masterful[/i] [i]verb. overcome - control - overpower - manage - dominate[/i] The only jobs I


Seems like all Nexons adding are jobs these days In the past 3 months we've had 3 new jobs added to the game: Angelic Buster, Kanna and Hayato. I'm not saying it's a bad thing. I like the diversity in the game. It's just that I'm a bit under the impression that Nexon is running out of ideas and are now mainly focusing on easier things to think of; jobs that is. Where is Formosa/Shanghai? It has been there for years, yet we don't have it. Lots of amazing places GMS is forgetting about. By the way, why does the Sakura toad not give any exp after my first try? The first time I tried, I had received 3,5m exp, the second time, it was nothing.


Game idea - Lend equipment Have you ever wanted to buy a 'godly' weapon but heck, you don't have the money to buy it? Or do you just want to try it out to find out if it fits your character? How about a lending system where you can lend your weapon for maximum a day for an hourly fee. [b]* Lended items cannot be dropped nor traded[/b] [b]* If you delete your character during the process, the item will be returned to its owner[/b] [b]* Lended items will have their titles altered, so [i]sword[/i] will become [i]lended sword[/i][/b] [b]* Lended items can't be scrolled, therefore destroying them is not possible[/b] The owner won't decide the price, so to prevent being ripped of/ridiculous high prices, the price will depend on its stats, slots (


Have you reached the following meso-milestones? Have you reached the following meso-milestones? Try to recall at which level you've hit that milestone [b]* I have made 100k before[/b] - I think I was lvl25 at that point. I'm very terrible with money [b]* I have made 500k before[/b] - As far as I can remember: 35-37. [b]* I have made 1m before[/b] - Lvl 40 [b]* I have made 5m before[/b] - Lvl 45 and that was a gift to me. [b]* I have made 10m before[/b] NA [b]* I have made 25m before[/b] NA [b]* I have made 50m before[/b] NA [b]* I have made 100m before[/b] NA [b]* I have made 250m before[/b] NA [b]* I have made 500m before[/b] NA [b]* I have made 750m before[/b] NA [b]* I have made 1b before[/b] NA [b]* I have made 1,5b before[/b] NA [b]* I

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