
the reason for all the lag

As we all know, this game is not intensive in cpu and gpu wise. With that being said, we can only say with full confidence that Nexon being the cheapest bunch, have downgraded their servers capacity over the years. How else would anyone explain the lag during 2x exp when a few years ago everything was working smoothly.

October 15, 2013

7 Comments • Newest first


servers are becoming rusty tbh

upgrade nao nexon

Reply October 15, 2013

Amazing how the servers have more lag now with a decreasing population than when Maple was at it's prime in terms of the number of people playing.

Reply October 15, 2013

[quote=DJSkittlesXD]As we all know, this game is not intensive in cpu and gpu wise. With that being said, we can only say with full confidence that Nexon being the cheapest bunch, have downgraded their servers capacity over the years. How else would anyone explain the lag during 2x exp when a few years ago everything was working smoothly.[/quote]

I agreee with this... my guess is the Nexon bean-counters on the top floor insisted that hardware (actual server computers) be taken off-line and off-lease after the "world alliance" consolidations to save Nexon money on their monthly leasing of server computers.
Saves them money, but makes the game laggier because the computers that are left can't handle the peak loads during times like 2x.
I've given up trying to play during 2x events it's so slow and difficult to pick up stuff needed for events.

Reply October 15, 2013

the lag stopped for me. It was pretty terrible a few months ago

Reply October 15, 2013

[quote=hyhfct]I don't lag during 2x.[/quote]

some people do, especially in evo lab

Reply October 15, 2013 - edited

I don't lag during 2x.

Reply October 15, 2013 - edited


I've yet to experience any of this "lag"

Reply October 15, 2013 - edited