dlalsdn8551 #Kanna Talk

General Kanna

Hero or Kanna / hello basilers, today i've come to the kanna forums to ask some questions to all kanna players out there. i've come back to maple after a break (last played was when kanna and hyato class just came out) i was doing a lil bit of reading and stuff and i've made a kanna with that burning level thing. im currently 142 or something like that, but since leveling is so easy, i still do not know much about this class since i've only played her for like 2 days. this is where i ask for your opinions and knowledge. before i quit, i've had a 169 Hero which was my main. But i've been liking the kanna class a lot so im deciding between maining my Hero or changing to kanna. (i do not have the funds to main both, let alone main one really g