Share your rank game experience in League of Legends

So.. i was 1474 elo.. ONE more rank game to be gold...
We had a strong team
Taric ( me )
I fed ez SOOO hard we couldn't possibly lose... but guess what... shyvana decided to feed and became 0/9. THEN karthus thought he can solo baron and got caught. and down went my elo. They just don't listen to me.. I tell them not to do this, and they're like "Hey lets do the opposite of what the support says. support know nothing."

Next game... i was confident cause I was going mid ( my main role )
I played against a akali and i was ori. She killed me at turret but i manage to get a ignite off... she was about to die.. BUT GUESS WHAT! Xin came in akali turn to spell vamp from him and he dies. Xin ended up being 0/7. Our bot wasn't do so good either, cait was 3/1 which became 3/3 in 5minutes. Her and Lulu argued for days and without noticing their ward... they gave akali a double kill. They dont listen to my ping..
SO NOW, my elo is currently 1395... sadlyfe.
How about your rank game experience? can be win,loss, or epic comeback.

November 28, 2012

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[url=] i walk around typing this 24/7[/url]

Reply November 28, 2012