dotdotdot96 #Shadower Talk

General Shadower

What to upgrade? So right now my range is 2xxx~47xx, trying to aim for a ~5k range. My current equips are: 121atk (+5atk Pot) 5enhance u/h GDK 14atk Clean D. Khanjar 6Dex (+10dex) Shoes 3%Luk 2lines Rex Earring 4%Luk 2lines cape 6%Luk 8atk 2lines glove 6%Luk 3lines unique pants (Gonna cube for more %) 0%Luk 3lines unique top (Gonna cube for more %) 3 lines Broken Glasses (Gonna cube for %Luk) Clean Black Belt Clean Scar Helm 11atk MoN That's about it, what should I upgrade?