
How to secure your account

Okay, with all this nonsense about being hacked circulating around, I decided to make this thread.

Right now I'd like to dismiss the rumor about Maplestory Adventures on Facebook being part of the problem, nothing has been proven thus far.

As for the current MTS exploit, this should NOT be a cause for alarm, if your acount is secure the worst that could happen is you could be locked for too many attempts.

[b]Steps to creating a secure account[/b]

1. Use security questions, along with a secure email that you remember (Hotmail is NOT very secure, use Gmail)
It is important to remember the answers to your questions, but not make them easy to guess. Also remember your email and birthdate.

2. Create a unique password. This means using numbers, upper and lower case, and special symbols ($,@,% etc). Also keep your password over 8-10 characters for maximmum security. This will make your password almost impossible to crack. THIS GOES FOR PIC AS WELL!

3. Use separate passwords for EVERY site and account. This one should be self explanatory, if all of your accounts use the same password, you are asking to be hacked.

4. DO NOT let ANYBODY else on your account! I don't care how much you trust your brother/friend/etc, doing this is asking to be hacked.

5. Do not visit any websites offering generators for mesos/nx, or any Maplestory related site other than a fourm! Any downloads from these sites could be a keylogger!
If you do choose to visit these sites NEVER use your Nexon ID and/or password ANYWHERE.

6. Look at the address bar EVERY time you go to login, Make sure it says NOT or anything else suspicious. This is a PHISHING site and will try too look legit so you sign in, which gives the owner your info.

Follow these steps and your account will be very secure EVEN with the MTS exploit.

August 29, 2011

1 Comment • Newest first


[quote=Sth0329]What makes gmail more secure than hotmail?[/quote]
A bunch of things that make guessing the security question harder as well as alerting you if somebody is attempting to login and fails too many times.

Reply August 29, 2011