dragonxlzero #General Talk


Is this some type of glitch going around I've read similar threads about ppl randomly losing items. It happen to but in a different way. Sorry I don't have any proof for ppl that will jump to conclusion or post ignorant comment cause they don't believe this could ever happen. Anyways had a few items in my shop for sell. Just few skill books and I had Ele staff 7 in my shop for max mesos so it could not be brought. Well I wasn't home to redo my store and so it closed whenever I got on that night. Went to the npc to retrieve my items and I didn't get my staff back. It was no where to be found and what was strange I did t have max mesos if it sold in fm but I didn't. So I ask friend if they new anyone that had this problem before and told me t


150 Jap staff vs. Fafnir Since no one in Bera been selling Fafnir mage weapons but a very small few...Would it be better to get a jap staff in replacement? I have good/decent magic atk shield plus i could a magic atk or maybe some type of damage neb on the shield to make for any magic atk difference. I have set 3 of the mage root abyss and if i want i can use up to set 4 from alien fragments with my 2 pendant slots for 30% boss. Any suggestions cause i would kinda like a fafnir but double miracle time tomorrow so...